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Paul Collins


Project Administration Manager

Centre for Teaching and Learning

07 5589 3398
Building C. Level 4, Gold Coast
Mr Paul Collins

Paul Collins is the Project Administration Manager at the Centre for Teaching and Learning based at the Gold Coast campus of Southern Cross University. Paul is a passionate educator with a very broad and versatile professional skill set embedded within extensive experience with curriculum, teaching, and learning. Early in Paul's career, he has twice been a founding member of staff in brand new schools, covering nine years where all of the curriculum was developed from scratch, and policy, procedures, and operations began as a blank canvas. Continuous development and improvement have been a constant in Paul's roles.

Paul enjoys being an educator and working in the broad territory of curriculum, teaching, and learning and has lecturing and tutoring experience in a range of courses in Bachelor and Master of Education programs, most notably in curriculum design, assessing student learning, behaviour management, and the Social Sciences.  University roles have included being an Educational Designer, Course Developer and Writer, Project Manager, and Faculty Manager. Paul also has educational leadership and management experience in primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Previous school roles include Head of Middle School, Deputy Principal, and Principal. Additionally, Paul has commercial experience in business operations management.