Wear It Purple @ Gold Coast

What is Wear It Purple® Day | read

What is an LGBTQIA+ ally, and how can I be a good one? | read

How to be a good LGBTIQA+ ally | read

Why ARE there so many queer identities? | read

Why does queer visibility matter? | read

Wear It Purple Day meeting background | Download

Misgendering + Pronouns: A guide to using inclusive language when speaking languages other than English | Download


These are just some of the lists of inspiring books and videos:

  • The Ultimate LGBTQ+ Pride Book List | view
  • Goodreads Genre list for LGBT | view
  • 10 best LGBT history books: Learn lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender history | view

20 Best Australian LGBT Podcasts | view
The best Australian LGBT podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness.

SCU Pride Playlist | Listen