Zero-cost learning

Student studying at laptop in medical classroom

Zero-cost learning

Southern Cross University is committed to achieving zero-cost learning by removing financial barriers for students, including costs associated with purchasing textbooks.

The Library team work closely with academics across all Faculties and Colleges to provide relevant, current, and accessible learning resources aligned with Unit Learning Outcomes, without the need for students to purchase expensive commercial textbooks. 

  • Replacing a commercial textbook with an Open Education alternative.
  • Substituting a commercial textbook with a curated list of readings from a range of scholarly sources (up to a maximum of 20 readings per unit). 


Open Education Resources are quality, peer-reviewed, digital alternatives to commercially published textbooks. Library staff have curated lists of Open Education Resources that can be adapted or adopted instead of commercially published texts. Library staff can support the adaptation and creation of Open Education Resources that are tailored to Southern Cross University.

SCU academics and staff have authored or contributed to three Open Education Textbooks:

If your unit currently has a prescribed textbook, here are some questions to help transition to zero-cost learning:

  1. How many textbook chapters align with the Unit Learning Outcomes? Do students need to purchase the textbook to succeed in the unit or can key sections be made accessible via the Library’s MyReadings platform?
  2. How current is the textbook? How well does it align with Southern Cross Model and Universal Design for Learning practices?
  3. Could the textbook be replaced by a curated list of readings from scholarly sources (book chapters, journal articles or other sources, including digital media)?
  4. Could Open Education alternatives be substituted or adapted for your unit?
Browse the OER collection

Contact the Library team for advice about how to adopt zero-cost learning into units and courses.

Faculty and College Librarians