A Law alumni is standing in front of a tiled wall looking over her shoulder

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Start Date

    March, July, October

  • Duration

    2 years full-time; 4 years part-time

  • Location

    Gold Coast, Online

  • Placement

    Yes  Learn more

  • Course abbreviation

    AssocDegLaw (Paralegal)

  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Scholarships

  • Indicative fee

Please note, some locations may not have all intake periods available. See the full availability details for further information.

International snapshot

  • Start Date

    February, June

  • Duration

    2 years full-time

  • Location

    Gold Coast

  • Placement

    Yes  Learn more

Please note, some locations may not have all intake periods available. See the full availability details for further information.


Paralegals are a highly-valued part of the legal sector and there is increasing demand for paralegal professionals who can think outside the box.

This course will get you working in law quickly and lays the foundation for career progression. As you explore the Australian legal system, you will gather skills in legal research and writing, and absorb foundational principles in key areas of the law. You can choose to undertake voluntary legal experience or a para-professional placement to become familiar with the issues facing working paralegals. An optional major in Conveyancing provides the academic pre-requisite for qualification as a conveyancer in NSW.

Paralegals work with solicitors and barristers, in government legal departments, law enforcement agencies, legal aid offices, court administration, public prosecutions and in the community and corporate sectors in finance, banking, insurance and conveyancing.

Graduates may also consider roles as a para-professional within a range of industries. This degree is also a pathway to further studies to become a lawyer.

Student holding open book in library

"The lecturers are really welcoming and provide extra feedback when needed. As a result, I feel like I've been excelling."

The Southern Cross Model is a game-changer in higher education study.

Our students now engage in shorter, six-week unit structures designed around immersive and interactive learning experiences. The shorter unit structure gives students a greater sense of momentum as they achieve milestones quickly, resulting in increased student success rates, and course and teacher satisfaction. Lectures are a thing of the past - students will be engaged in active, interactive and discussion-based learning.

On-campus students experience a variety of teaching approaches including lectures, tutorials, online activities and video-linked or podcast virtual classes.

Our online study option is highly interactive and may include a combination of podcast or video-linked lectures, electronic study materials, workshops, online discussion forums and virtual classes.

The method of teaching and assessment may vary from unit to unit.

Learn more

Course Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a course. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes (GA).

Course Learning Outcome

GA1: Intellectual rigour

Demonstrate the ability to apply a broad knowledge of the principles and concepts of law and the Australian legal system to generate responses to legal issues and challenges in paralegal, professional and social contexts.

GA2: Creativity

Recognise and reflect on how law, justice and the legal environment can contribute to sustainability and sustainable development and exercise ethical judgement in professional contexts

GA3: Ethical practice

Recognise and reflect on how law, justice and the legal environment can contribute to sustainability and sustainable development and exercise ethical judgement in professional contexts

GA4: Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate the ability to apply a broad knowledge of the principles and concepts of law and the Australian legal system to generate responses to legal issues and challenges in paralegal, professional and social contexts.

GA5: Lifelong learning

Develop interpersonal, reflective and self-management skills to work independently and as part of teams

GA6: Communication and social skills

Develop interpersonal, reflective and self-management skills to work independently and as part of teams

GA7: Cultural competence

Develop the ability to recognise and reflect on Australian indigenous perspectives in law, justice and the legal environment.

You may undertake voluntary legal experience and para-professional placement with legal firms or offices to complement their practical legal skills and become familiar with the issues facing working paralegals.

This course consists of compulsory law units and elective units. Students can choose to study a major in conveyancing.

Please note: Some elective units, when studied online, require students to attend on-campus workshops.

Location Teaching period
Gold CoastTerm  1, Term  3
OnlineTerm  1, Term  3, Term  5
Location Teaching period Annual Fees CRICOS
Gold CoastTerm  1, Term  3$30,832 ($3,854 per unit)016182B

Tuition fees are in Australian dollars, and are subject to change, including annual increases over the duration of a course. Annual tuition fee is based on completing 8 units per year. In addition students are required to pay OSHC for the duration of their visa in advance. Non-tuition fee covers textbooks, stationery and excursions.

Career Outcomes

In legal offices in most areas of paralegal practice, with solicitors and barristers, government legal departments, law enforcement agencies, legal aid offices, court administration, public prosecutions, and in the corporate sector in finance, banking, insurance and conveyancing.
Paralegals perform substantive legal work in legal practices, banks, insurance companies, or other public and private organisations with in-house legal departments. A paralegal’s tasks may include legal research, drafting wills, preparing legal arguments, preparing agreements, compiling court documentation, legal record keeping, legal communication and client services.
The Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies) when studied with the Conveyancing major is a recognised educational qualification for a licensed conveyancer in NSW.
Students may receive advanced standing for eligible units in the Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies during or on completion of the Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies).  Students who graduate with the Associate Degree in Law may choose to apply for admission into the Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies and may graduate with a Bachelor degree after just one additional year of study.
Students wanting to become lawyers may receive advanced standing for eligible units in the Bachelor of Laws, during or on completion of the Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies), subject to approval by the Course Coordinator.  Students intending to apply for advanced standing into the Bachelor of Laws are advised to contact SCU Law Enquiry at their earliest convenience.

The Associate Degree of Law (Conveyancing major) conducted by Southern Cross University is an approved educational qualification as provided for in Schedule 1 of the Conveyancers Licensing (Qualifications) Order 2006.  For licensing requirements, and details of mandatory additional work experience required to enable registration, enquiries should be made to NSW Fair Trading.

Note that each Australian state or territory has its own legislation regulating conveyancing practice.

The subject ‘LEGL2012 - Mediation Practice and Procedure’, meets the training and assessment threshold requirements as specified in the National Mediator Accreditation System. As such, Southern Cross University is recognised as an Education and Training Provider Member of the Mediation Standards Board. Upon successful completion of the unit, students may apply to a Registered Mediation Accreditation Body (RMAB) to finalise their accreditation.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Language requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Listeningminimum 5.5
Readingminimum 5.5
Speakingminimum 5.5
Writingminimum 5.5

Austria AMC3.7
Bangladesh HSC3.3
Brazil SSLC7.8
Canada High School OSSD48
Chile PSU6.0, overall 600-649
China Gao Kao436
Colombia CB (NAT)73, overall 300-349
Denmark USSLE5.8
France FB10.5
German Abitur3.2
Hong Kong HKDSE13
India CBSE (best 4)7.0 in external exam
India CISCE63
India Higher Secondary School Certificate (best 4)7 in academic
Indonesia SMA7.8
International Baccalaureate24
Japan USSLC3.7
Korea, Republic of, CSAT292
Malaysia ICSSUEC65
Malaysia STPM3
Nepal Higher Secondary Education Certificate65
Nepal Proficiency Certificate78
Norway GPA1.3
Pakistan HSSC29
Papua New Guinea HSC (best 5)2.4 pass Eng & Math
Peru OCSE16
Phillipines NSAT86
Russia FCCSE4.1
Saudi Arabia MESSLC78
Singapore SCGCE14.5
Spain SSSD7.8
Spain STBPU7.2
Spain SUOY4.5
Sri Lanka GCE4
Sweden SSLC12.3
Taiwan GSAT81
Thailand CSE(Matayom 6) 1.7
Turkey HSD3.7
UK Board GCE A Levels12
Vietnam (in 4 subjects)7.5 Average

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Associate Degree of Law (Paralegal Studies), students must complete the equivalent of 16 units (192 credit points), comprising:

  • 8 core units (96 credit points); and
  • Conveyancing Major (96 credit points); or
  • 6 Law electives (72 credit points) and 2 Law or University-wide electives (24 credit points).

Other things to consider

As part of our commitment to admissions transparency, the University provides a snapshot of how students were admitted to their courses and the profile of students studying with us.

There are different pathways into an undergraduate degree.

Whether you are returning to study after some time or you have just finished school and you need some extra academic preparation before embarking on a degree, Southern Cross University offers two excellent, fee-free academic preparation programs that develop the skills you need to be successful at university.

SCU College also offers a range of one-year Diplomas that provide extra academic support as you commence university. Diplomas are a great pathway to a degree and may also prepare you for diverse paraprofessional roles.

Learn more

Credit for Prior Learning, also referred to as ‘Advanced Standing’ or Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL), is the process of looking at your prior study and/or experience to assess if you can be awarded academic credit or gain entry to a course on the basis of your existing knowledge and skills.

Learn more

The Early Offer program allows Year 12 students to secure a place in a Southern Cross University undergraduate degree before Year 12 results are released. It’s designed to remove some of the pressure from Year 12 and provide a pathway directly into university study that is not based solely on Year 12 results.

Learn more

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Current Students should select their units by checking the Handbook for the year of their enrolment as these may be different.

View Student Handbook

Unit CodeUnit TitleAvailableCredit pointsNotes

Complete the following units to satisfy the Requirements of the Award

First Year

LEGL1001Legal Research and Writing
Gold Coast
LEGL1004Australian Legal System
Gold Coast
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LAWS2055Criminal Process
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL1002Interviewing, Negotiation and Ethics
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL2002Foundations of Torts
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL2001Introduction to Land Law
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LAWS2056Family Law Practice
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
LEGL2007Principles of Contract Law
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.

Second Year

Law Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective OR University-wide Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law
Law Elective OR University-wide Elective
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law

Unit CodeUnit TitleAvailableCredit pointsNotes

Complete the following units to satisfy the Requirements of the Award

First Year

LEGL1001Legal Research and Writing
Gold Coast
LEGL1004Australian Legal System
Gold Coast
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LAWS2055Criminal Process
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL1002Interviewing, Negotiation and Ethics
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL2002Foundations of Torts
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL2001Introduction to Land Law
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LAWS2056Family Law Practice
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
LEGL2007Principles of Contract Law
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.

Second Year

LAWS2018Wills and Estates
Summer Term
Gold Coast
Summer Term
Summer Term
Summer Term
Summer Term
Pre-requisitesMust have completed LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System OR LEGL1005 - Legal Process
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
LAWS2024Commercial Law
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
Pre-requisitesLEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1005 - Legal Process OR LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law
12 Note 1
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesMust have completed LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System OR LEGL1005 - Legal Process
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
Pre-requisitesMust have completed LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
Pre-requisitesMust have completed LEGL1001 - Legal Research and Writing AND LEGL1004 - Australian Legal System
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.
LAWS2001Company Law
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in LEGL1003 - Introduction to Business Law OR LEGL2007 - Principles of Contract Law
Anti-requisitesNot available for students admitted to an LLB course.

Note 1:

Unit requires attendance at a compulsory practicum/residential.

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes

Core Units

LEGL1004Australian Legal System
LAWS2055Criminal Process
LEGL1002Interviewing, Negotiation and Ethics
LEGL1001Legal Research and Writing
LEGL2007Principles of Contract Law
LEGL2001Introduction to Land Law
LAWS2056Family Law Practice
LEGL2002Foundations of Torts

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3001Advanced Taxation
LAWS2001Company Law
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2060Drugs, Crime and the Law
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LAWS2019Employment and Industrial Relations Law
JUST2005EEO and OH&S Law and Practice
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2020Intellectual Property
LAWS2021International Business Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution Note 1
LEGL2012Mediation Practice and Procedure Note 1
LAWS2023International Law
JUST2004Human Rights
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2025Stock Exchange and Finance Law
LEGL2017Public Interest Advocacy
LAWS2028Animal Law
LAWS2032Comparative Law
LAWS2004Paralegal Placement
LAWS2066Climate Law and Policy
LAWS2035International Business Negotiations
LAWS2011Statutory Interpretation
LAWS2010Environmental Law

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
LEGL2005Legal and Conveyancing Practice
LEGL2008Conveyancing Law Note 1
LAWS2018Wills and Estates
LEGL2004Conveyancers Professional Practice
LAWS2024Commercial Law
LAWS2001Company Law
LAWS2014Local Government and Planning Law
LAWS2022Competition and Consumer Law

Why study Law at Southern Cross University

5-star ratings in Law

We're rated 5 stars for undergraduate full-time employment, skills development and student support

Good Universities Guide 2025

Pathway to become a lawyer

Graduates of the Associate Degree may receive advanced standing for eligible units in the Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies

Entry pathways

Entry pathways available into the Associate Degree from the Diploma of Legal Studies and Diploma of Conveyancing (Law and Practice)

Fees and Scholarships

Domestic students

You are a domestic student if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, New Zealand citizen, or Australian humanitarian visa holder. Your course will either be a Commonwealth Supported Place or a full fee-paying place. This is noted in the course snapshot.

Commonwealth Supported Places:

In a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), the Government pays some of your fees and you pay the rest as the Student Contribution Amount (SCA).

SCA is calculated per unit, not per course. Eligible students can defer the SCA through a HECS-HELP loan.

Full Fee-Paying Places:

A full fee-paying place is where you pay the full (unsubsidised) tuition fee for your course. Eligible students can defer the payment of their tuition fees through the FEE-HELP scheme (including employer-reserved places for The Hotel School courses).

Also known as SSAF, the Student Services and Amenities Fee is a compulsory fee for most students used to provide important services and amenities to students both on and off campus. It’s charged per unit, based on the unit’s credit point value. Eligible domestic students have the option of deferring this fee through the SA-HELP loan scheme. More about SSAF

Depending on your course, your costs could also include computer equipment and software, books, stationery, field trips, uniforms or other course-specific expenses such as art materials, musical equipment or travel for practicums, internships, vaccinations or industry experience.

Scholarships vary in amount, from a few hundred to several thousand dollars each year. Eligibility isn't limited to top-performing students or those facing financial challenges; there are opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds and with different accomplishments. This ensures that education remains accessible to all, changing lives and helping individuals achieve their goals for a brighter future.

More about scholarships

Further fee information

Fees and Scholarships

International Students

If you're an international student, you can find the annual course cost in Australian dollars (AUD$) on our International Courses and Fees page or on the web page for your course under fees.

Also known as SSAF, the Student Services and Amenities Fee is a compulsory fee for most students used to provide important services and amenities to students both on and off campus. It’s charged per unit, based on the unit’s credit point value. Eligible domestic students have the option of deferring this fee through the SA-HELP loan scheme. More about SSAF

Depending on your course, your costs could also include computer equipment and software, books, stationery, field trips, uniforms or other course-specific expenses such as art materials, musical equipment or travel for practicums, internships, vaccinations or industry experience.

Southern Cross University offers a range of scholarships designed to support you while you study, available for a variety of backgrounds and achievements. Scholarships range from a few hundred dollars a year to several thousand dollars a year. Southern Cross has also introduced Access25, a new initiative for 2025 to deliver a quality education combined with a straightforward tuition model, ensuring every international student has equal access.

More about scholarships

Further fee information

Apply now

Preparing to apply

  1. Check requirements
  2. Get supporting documents ready
  3. Choose where and when from the available options

Click the Apply button to start your application in our Application Portal.

Choose where you want to study

Gold Coast


Choose where you want to study

International students studying in Australia

Gold Coast

Dates for the diary

Our shorter, more focused six-week unit structure gives students a greater sense of momentum and motivation as they achieve milestones quickly. Application dates per Term are shown on each course page however refer to our key dates and teaching calendar for detail on when enrolment opens, studies commence and when grades are published. There are also Dual Term and Tri Term calendars for those who have specific subjects.

See key dates

Credit Transfer

Get a head start on your degree. Find out if you’re eligible for credit from previous studies.

Go to credit assessor

Entry Pathway

We believe in equal access to further education, so we offer a range of pathways to university.

Find a pathway