student standing in front of health clinic

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Start Date


  • Duration

    1 year full-time; 2 years part-time

  • Location

    Locations are subject to the availability of Honours supervisors, contact the University.

  • Placement


  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Scholarships

  • Indicative fee

Please note, some locations may not have all intake periods available. See the full availability details for further information.

International snapshot

  • Start Date

  • Duration

    1 year full-time

  • Location

  • Placement


Please note, some locations may not have all intake periods available. See the full availability details for further information.


The Honours degree is a separate fourth year of study which may be undertaken following successful completion of an undergraduate degree. As well as a completion point for tertiary study itself, Honours also represents the starting point for entry into further postgraduate research degrees. The Honours degree provides an indication of a student’s research potential and introduces students to basic research training.

Prior to lodging an application, interested applicants must contact the University to discuss their eligibility and to find a suitable honours supervisor for their proposed honours topic. 

See more information about studying Honours in the Faculty of Health.

Midwife standing outside Lismore Base Hospital

“My research is going to look at how mentoring programs have contributed to the sense of safety, confidence and empowerment of midwives. I’m hoping the results might encourage or justify continued resources being directed into that area.”

The Southern Cross Model is a game-changer in higher education study.

Our students now engage in shorter, six-week unit structures designed around immersive and interactive learning experiences. The shorter unit structure gives students a greater sense of momentum as they achieve milestones quickly, resulting in increased student success rates, and course and teacher satisfaction. Lectures are a thing of the past - students will be engaged in active, interactive and discussion-based learning.

On-campus students experience a variety of teaching approaches including lectures, tutorials, online activities and video-linked or podcast virtual classes.

Our online study option is highly interactive and may include a combination of podcast or video-linked lectures, electronic study materials, workshops, online discussion forums and virtual classes.

The method of teaching and assessment may vary from unit to unit.

Learn more

Course Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a course. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes (GA).

Course Learning Outcome

GA1: Intellectual rigour

Identify a knowledge or evidence gap and design a suitable research project in health and human sciences

GA2: Creativity

Demonstrate initiative and some intellectual independence to execute a research project

GA3: Ethical practice

Acquire advanced knowledge of ethics, professional standards, and cultural issues

GA4: Knowledge of a discipline

Apply relevant theories, methodologies, and analysis techniques to answer a research question

GA5: Lifelong learning

Investigate, critique, and synthesise scientific literature

GA6: Communication and social skills

Communicate scientific ideas and research findings in verbal and written formats

GA7: Cultural competence

Acquire advanced knowledge of ethics, professional standards, and cultural issues

Location Teaching period
OnlineTerm  1

Career Outcomes

Honours in health and human sciences is designed to develop a student’s research skills in an area of their interest. The course provides students with a solid foundation for undertaking postgraduate study (Masters or PhD), as well as essential skills for careers involving research, policy or public/private consultancy work. Undertaking Honours builds high level skills for managing a project and developing independent research skills.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Applicants for admission to candidature shall normally have satisfied the requirements prescribed in the Rule 5 of the University’s Rules Relating to Awards; and shall hold an AQF Level 7 Health Science Bachelor Degree or equivalent completed within the last 10 years and with a Credit Grade Point Average.

Language requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Listeningminimum 5.5
Readingminimum 5.5
Speakingminimum 5.5
Writingminimum 5.5

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Health and Human Science (Honours) students must complete the equivalent of 8 units (96 credit points).

Class of Honours 

This degree may be awarded in the following classes:
1. First Class;
2. Second Class (Division 1);
3. Second Class (Division 2); or
4. Third Class.

Students are required to satisfy requirements for the coursework units and Honours Class will be determined from the grades in the thesis units.

Other things to consider

Credit for Prior Learning, also referred to as ‘Advanced Standing’ or Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL), is the process of looking at your prior study and/or experience to assess if you can be awarded academic credit or gain entry to a course on the basis of your existing knowledge and skills.

Learn more

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Current Students should select their units by checking the Handbook for the year of their enrolment as these may be different.

View Student Handbook

Unit CodeUnit TitleAvailableCredit pointsNotes
HLTH4001Literature Review
HLTH4002Health and Human Sciences Thesis Project I
Dual Term2
24 Note 1
Dual Term2
Dual Term2
Pre-requisitesMust have completed or be currently enrolled in HLTH4001 - Literature Review
HLTH4005Research Design
STAT4004Data Analysis
HLTH4003Health and Human Sciences Thesis Project II
Tri Term2
24 Note 1
Tri Term2
Tri Term2
Pre-requisitesHLTH4002 - Health and Human Sciences Thesis Project I
HLTH4006Research Communication

Note 1:


Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HLTH4001Literature Review
HLTH4002Health and Human Sciences Thesis Project I Note 1
HLTH4005Research Design
STAT4004Data Analysis
HLTH4003Health and Human Sciences Thesis Project II Note 1
HLTH4006Research Communication

Why study Health and Human Sciences at Southern Cross University

Top 800 worldwide

We're ranked in the global top 800 universities for Clinical and Health

Times Higher Education World Rankings by Subject 2025


Honours scholarships are on offer specifically for the Faculty of Health

Pathway to postgraduate research

Honours is the starting point for entry into further postgraduate research degrees

Fees and Scholarships

Domestic students

You are a domestic student if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, New Zealand citizen, or Australian humanitarian visa holder. Your course will either be a Commonwealth Supported Place or a full fee-paying place. This is noted in the course snapshot.

Commonwealth Supported Places:

In a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), the Government pays some of your fees and you pay the rest as the Student Contribution Amount (SCA).

SCA is calculated per unit, not per course. Eligible students can defer the SCA through a HECS-HELP loan.

Full Fee-Paying Places:

A full fee-paying place is where you pay the full (unsubsidised) tuition fee for your course. Eligible students can defer the payment of their tuition fees through the FEE-HELP scheme (including employer-reserved places for The Hotel School courses).

Also known as SSAF, the Student Services and Amenities Fee is a compulsory fee for most students used to provide important services and amenities to students both on and off campus. It’s charged per unit, based on the unit’s credit point value. Eligible domestic students have the option of deferring this fee through the SA-HELP loan scheme. More about SSAF

Depending on your course, your costs could also include computer equipment and software, books, stationery, field trips, uniforms or other course-specific expenses such as art materials, musical equipment or travel for practicums, internships, vaccinations or industry experience.

Scholarships vary in amount, from a few hundred to several thousand dollars each year. Eligibility isn't limited to top-performing students or those facing financial challenges; there are opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds and with different accomplishments. This ensures that education remains accessible to all, changing lives and helping individuals achieve their goals for a brighter future.

More about scholarships

Further fee information

Fees and Scholarships

International Students

If you're an international student, you can find the annual course cost in Australian dollars (AUD$) on our International Courses and Fees page or on the web page for your course under fees.

Also known as SSAF, the Student Services and Amenities Fee is a compulsory fee for most students used to provide important services and amenities to students both on and off campus. It’s charged per unit, based on the unit’s credit point value. Eligible domestic students have the option of deferring this fee through the SA-HELP loan scheme. More about SSAF

Depending on your course, your costs could also include computer equipment and software, books, stationery, field trips, uniforms or other course-specific expenses such as art materials, musical equipment or travel for practicums, internships, vaccinations or industry experience.

Southern Cross University offers a range of scholarships designed to support you while you study, available for a variety of backgrounds and achievements. Scholarships range from a few hundred dollars a year to several thousand dollars a year. Southern Cross has also introduced Access25, a new initiative for 2025 to deliver a quality education combined with a straightforward tuition model, ensuring every international student has equal access.

More about scholarships

Further fee information

Apply now

Preparing to apply

  1. Check requirements
  2. Get supporting documents ready
  3. Choose where and when from the available options

Click the Apply button to start your application in our Application Portal.

Choose where you want to study


Dates for the diary

Our shorter, more focused six-week unit structure gives students a greater sense of momentum and motivation as they achieve milestones quickly. Application dates per Term are shown on each course page however refer to our key dates and teaching calendar for detail on when enrolment opens, studies commence and when grades are published. There are also Dual Term and Tri Term calendars for those who have specific subjects.

See key dates

Credit Transfer

Get a head start on your degree. Find out if you’re eligible for credit from previous studies.

Go to credit assessor

Entry Pathway

We believe in equal access to further education, so we offer a range of pathways to university.

Find a pathway