Flexible online study
Studying online gives you flexibility while remaining in the Southern Cross University community.
No matter where you are, you can now access a top-notch university education. Online learning in the Southern Cross Model is a dynamic and interactive environment where you can access multimedia course content and interact with your peers and tutors, getting feedback as you go.
Students may receive a combination of podcast or video-linked lectures, electronic study materials, workshops, online discussion forums and virtual classes. The method of teaching may vary from unit to unit.
As an online student, you have access to all campus facilities, including libraries and study spaces, as well as campus activities and clubs. It's a quality Southern Cross University education with the convenience of studying where and when it suits you best.
Studying online may be the answer if you want to expand your skills, re-enter the job market, or want a complete career change.
“I studied my IT degree online and fast-tracked it by taking advantage of the University's three-session academic calendar.”
A better way to learn
We have transformed the way study is delivered. The shorter, more focused six-week terms give students greater momentum and motivation. Student success rates, overall grades, and teacher satisfaction all increased under the model.
The academic year is divided into six terms of six weeks. Most full-time students will focus on one or two units a term for four terms - a total of eight units per year.
Hi everyone, welcome to Southern Cross University.
My name is Christy, and I'm Josh, and we're both students here at Southern Cross.
So being an online student can be challenging, can be really rewarding as well. You might be working full time, you might be a parent, you could be both, so you've got lots of things pulling you in different directions. Maybe you want to work at night or just go to class in pyjamas.
Which I have done, so if you do it's okay.
As a new student you probably have lots of questions about how to be a student and we're here to let you know that that's okay, and there's always someone you can turn to to help if you do have questions.
How is Uni different to school?
So, I remember when I first started, I knew how to study as a student but not as a uni student, and they are quite different. I had to be proactive about my studies and I had to also learn new online systems like MyEnrolment and MySCU, and what collaborate was, and the difference between them all.
What is MyEnrolment?
A quick tip - MyEnrolment is the administration system you'll use, and it's where you enrol into your units, check your grades and it's where you accepted your offer as well. So, you'll use it quite often throughout your degree.
What is MySCU/Blackboard?
MSCU, also known as Blackboard, is where you'll find your unit content. Things like your assignments and where to submit those assignments.
So, what's the main things you need to know about being an online student?
I would say getting used to your online systems. So, make sure you know how to use your Blackboard, make sure your email is ready and you know how to use that. Start communicating with your lecturers and other students. It's really important to open those lines of communication. How about you?
Well, definitely join UniMentor, they can be a real help, and definitely look at the resources that Academic Skills has in the Library - they can be absolute lifesaver sometimes.
How do I manage my time?
I started as a mature aged student, and as a parent, so I really needed to start from scratch. So, time management was a massive issue for me. I found the New to SCU module a really big help on getting started with my studies.
So, what do you do to stay on top of things?
Well, the first thing I do is get on to MySCU, look at my Unit Information Guide and find out when my assignments are due. I pop that all into the planning section of my diary and onto my wall planner to make sure that I know when everything is coming up. So as online students you have both the diary and wall planner and mailed out to you. What about you?
I actually do that as well, but I also make sure I have a study space at home. I definitely let my housemates know when I need to study. And do you know what really gets me through - deadlines and snacks.
Where can I get help?
There are so many services that are available to you if you need a bit of extra help. Here's a quick summary of services that you might find useful as a first-year student.
Course work: Ask your lecturer and tutor if you have any questions regarding any of your assignments.
Tips at Uni: Get a UniMentor - they'll really help show you the ropes and make you feel comfortable with getting started with your studies.
Assignments: Academic Skills and the Library have some fantastic resources to help you.
Computer Systems: Technology Services will help you work out what you need to get started with Uni.
Careers: Yes, this is your end goal, but they can also help you pick up part-time work during your studies.
Engage with other students. Connect on social media, Student Associations, SRC and events throughout the year whenever you can.
That's all from us today. Remember there is a handout with all of the links and resources we've mentioned today.
If you do happen to live near the Coffs Harbor, Gold Coast or Lismore campuses, you're more than welcome to join in on any on-campus activities. Check out the schedules online.
What can I expect from online study?
Southern Cross University uses web-based technologies so students can actively engage with lecturers and other students, no matter where they are. While some courses may have different study options depending on their content, you can expect to:
- Attend a virtual lecture or tutorial
- View lectures or tutorials online when you have time
- Consult with your lecturer online
- Receive instant feedback via an online quiz to make sure you’re on the right track
- Be inspired by a guest speaker who is a leader in their field
- Join with fellow students to solve complex real-world problems from your own home or workplace.
For tips on how best to manage studying online, watch the video shown right.