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25 July 2001
In a move aimed at fostering closer links amongst members of the diverse University community, all SCU graduates and supporters are to be offered free membership of Southern Cross University Alumni.

"Members will be entitled to various benefits and discounts as well as regular updates on the University's activities and developments," explained Alumni Officer, Sally Richardson.

"The organisation aims to help graduates stay in touch with friends made during their time at University and allows them to remain involved with and generate support for the University.," Ms Richardson added.

"The Alumni Office will help organise reunions and other events, provide graduates with a means of keeping in touch with each other and generally keep members up-to-date with what is happening at the University. The Alumni Office can also help in the formation of chapter (common interest) groups which may be based on faculty/school attended or geographic location."

Ms Richardson said new graduates would be entered automatically into the alumni membership list upon graduation and could enjoy discounts on University memorabilia and shop items from the University Union and a discount on library access at the Lismore and Coffs Harbour Campuses. Members would also receive regular free copies of the University's Southern Cross Newspaper.

"Existing paid members will be given the opportunity to donate their membership fee to the University or will be eligible for a pro rata refund of fees, if applicable," she said.

To launch the new free alumni membership, Southern Cross University Alumni will hold an informal get together on the Student Union deck during Open Day, Lismore Campus, on Saturday, 18 August.

"This will provide a great opportunity for graduates to visit the University, catch up with friends and meet Alumni Office staff. If you would like to attend, please contact us by 15 August on (02) 6620 3247, fax 02 6622 3195 or email"