Live Ideas
We believe that ideas matter. They are the starting point of world-changing solutions to the key challenges that our communities face today.
Live Ideas is a place for the thinkers, problem-solvers and change-makers. It’s designed to enable industry, community, researchers and educators to activate their ideas and create positive change.
Programs and services
Live Ideas' programs and services are designed to support students, staff, communities and alumni to build entrepreneurial skills that can transform ideas to impact.
The Impact Forum: Circular Economy
The Impact Forum brought together leading voices to accelerate the development and adoption of circular economy solutions and facilitate new industry connections for businesses.
Learn more/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/engage/live-ideas/SCU-IMPACT-FORUM-24.jpg)
Innovative business opportunities in a circular economy
SCU Buzz host sat down with the experts to discuss how a circular economy differs from waste management, the new business models it can create and how individuals can make a difference.
Listen to the podcast/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/news/images/2023/Linda-2.png)
Business Bites Podcast Series
A podcast series that discusses, evaluates and explores all the factors that contribute to making a successful business.
Listen to the the series/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/engage/live-ideas/8510-Live-Ideas-Event-Podcast-960X540.jpg)
Past Events
Going Circular: Rethinking Plastics in Your Business
Southern Cross University hosted a free webinar in collaboration with the NSW EPA to help small businesses transition their plastic use into a circular economy.
Read more about Circular/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/engage/images/Webinar---Feature-Image-Website-Event-2000X1032px-1-1180X1032.png)
The Innovate Series: The Business of Waste
Can we build businesses that help regenerate the planet?
More about Innovate Series/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/engage/images/innovate-series-event-3-960-540.jpg)
The Innovate Series: Navigating IP and Commercialisation
Hear from business leaders who have navigated successful IP and commercialisation journeys and demystify the process and opportunities available to businesses.
Find out more here/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/engage/live-ideas/8510-Live-Ideas-Event-2-960X540.jpg)
Collaborate and connect
Get in touch below and learn more about our programs, collaborate with students, become a mentor or partner with Live Ideas.