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Find the right staff through online service


8 May 2007
Employers throughout the Mid North Coast and North Coast regions are being encouraged to tap into a free online recruitment service being offered by Southern Cross University.

The University has recently upgraded its online Career Hub system to provide an easy link between the region’s employers and a variety of willing workers, many of whom are available on a flexible basis.

And, with an on-campus student population of more than 5500 at campuses in Lismore, Coffs Harbour and Tweed Gold Coast Southern Cross University is a ready made source of skilled employees.

Eileen Scott, Southern Cross University’s careers adviser and OASIS centre manager, said the website was an ideal place for employers to advertise positions for free.

“Employers looking for workers to fill part-time, casual, temporary or holiday positions are encouraged to use the Career Hub site. It’s a free service and provides an easy way to tap into a large source of workers,” Ms Scott said.

“Our students range from school-leavers to mature students who have a diverse range of skills. We already have a wide range of job opportunities being promoted from administration, accounting and hospitality to retail and sales. It’s not just the traditional casual jobs that are on offer, employers are recognising that students have high level skills that could fill a need at a particular time.”

Ms Scott said community organisations looking for volunteers could also list their needs on the Career Hub site.

Ms Julie Dickson, co-owner of the award-winning Lismore restaurant Fire in the Belly, said the University was an excellent source of staff.

“We like employing university students as we find they are motivated because they need a set amount of money to survive. They are reliable, night work doesn’t bother them and they tend to be sharp, intelligent people,” Ms Dickson said.

“Our restaurant has been growing and it’s a great way to have a pool of people we can access quickly. We tend to get a response the day our jobs are up on the website.”

The Career Hub website can be accessed at or phone 6620 3220.

Photo: Eileen Scott and student Nathan Pek can help link employers and students through Career Hub.

Media contact: Brigid Veale, Southern Cross University communications manager, 02 66593006 or 0439 680 748.