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Worried about climate change? New kids’ adventure app seeks your concerns and solutions


Sharlene King
6 August 2020

Expect a new climate activism adventure app to be more than just child’s play. Designed for and by children and young people, the app aims to be a platform for action, learning and creativity in response to climate change.

Now with the app in the final stages of development, Southern Cross University is inviting children, young people and adults (including researchers) from around the world to submit their climate concerns ahead of launch.

“This child-led, interactive app will feature inspiration to take action, a library of relevant resources, opportunities to interact with like-minded individuals, and much more,” said Professor Amy Cutter-Mackenzie Knowles, co-lead researcher for the Climate Change + Me 2.0 project, Dean of the School of Education and leader of the SEAE Research Cluster.

“This app is exciting because it enables children and young people to contribute meaningfully to climate change conversations, offers support and relevant information, and inspires purposeful and achievable action. This is particularly relevant in the wake of the recent youth-led climate strikes, and the growing awareness of children’s concerns about climate change.

“We invite children, young people and adults to make a difference by telling us about their concerns for the creatures and places affected by climate change. These Climate Concerns will be integrated into the app design as part of an online ‘adventure’ into global climate impacts and responses.”

The app’s co-researchers are children and young people from around Australia who have been central to the design and development process, attending face-to-face and online workshops since January 2020.

“The decision to open up the invitation for submissions to adults was made by the children co-researchers, as they expressed a need for ‘all the help we can get to tackle climate change!’” Professor Cutter-Mackenzie Knowles said.

“Please support our young co-researchers in their quest to develop this groundbreaking app."

Dr David Rousell of RMIT is co-lead of the Climate Change + Me 2.0 project.

“The climate activism adventure app will bring together passionate and concerned individuals onto a single platform,” Dr Rousell said.

“We want to hear from children and adults about the impacts of climate change on, for example, a specific animal, plant, community, region, city or environmental or social issue. Basically anything in your local area or further afield that you are concerned about. For example, Climate Concerns have already been submitted about bushfires, coral bleaching, rising sea levels and threats to Sri Lankan rainforests.”

Submit your Climate Concern (400 words or less) for the app by visiting:

For more information about how to submit and why, visit the Climate Change + Me website:
The project is funded by the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) and SEED funding from the School of Education.
This research has approval number 2019/256 from the Southern Cross University Human Ethics Committee.