Announcement for start of academic year at Southern Cross University
Southern Cross University will kick off the academic year on Monday 7 March, with provisions and special support available to students impacted by the continuing flood crisis in Northern NSW and Southeast QLD.
As Term 1 and Session 1 studies commence on Monday, all scheduled Lismore campus classes will be delivered online for six weeks, until Easter. The Lismore campus has been most directly affected by the weather events, with more than 800 people in the temporary Recovery Centre.
Southern Cross University Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) Professor Thomas Roche said: “While these are not the circumstances we had hoped to start the year with, the University wants our students to know we have the people and systems in place to deliver your studies to a high standard.”
He said the only exception for student activity at Lismore campus would be critical face-to-face elements with any exceptions to be communicated directly to students from each Faculty through the student learning sites. Students are asked to check their emails for updates.
Meanwhile at the Gold Coast campus, students and staff are preparing for a return to on-campus teaching from Monday when classes commence.
“We will be in touch again with students in the next couple of days about teaching at the Gold Coast campus. We are really optimistic that we’ll be back on campus but this depends on whether the Pacific Motorway re-opens in Northern NSW,” he said.
“Coffs Harbour is sodden but not flooded, so we are in the fortunate position of being able to offer all classes as planned for Term 1 and Session 1.
“Our priority is to deliver the very best and safest study experience available in the circumstances. The situation is ever evolving and we will contact you with further updates.”
Meanwhile, students who have scheduled placements during Term 1/Session 1 can keep up to date with any current announcements through their Blackboard learning site and checking their email. Any students with placements planned in the flood-affected Northern NSW region are being contacted directly to organise arrangements.
Southern Cross University Vice President (Students) and Registrar Brendon Nelson encouraged students to begin studies next week where possible.
“For any students who are unable to start studies on Monday 7 March, you can contact your Unit Assessor via Blackboard and can seek special considerations for any assessments,” Mr Nelson said.
The intake census dates are March 21 for Term 1 and March 22 for Session 1.
“You don’t need to withdraw," said Mr Nelson. "Students have until census date to withdraw without financial or academic penalty if it becomes necessary for them to drop any classes.”
If students have questions about enrolment for Term 1 or Session 1 they can contact Client Services on or call 1800 005 687.
Student wellbeing
Students requiring emotional support can access counselling through Southern Cross University. Email or phone 02 66269300 (Coffs Harbour, Lismore and Gold Coast). Current student ID number required.
An after-Hours Crisis Counselling Support Service is also available to current students on 1300 782 676, or texting 0488 884 143.
Student finances
Students who have suffered financial impact can access information and support by emailing