Who was your favourite school teacher and what made them special? In this episode of SCU Buzz, Faculty of Education academic and researcher Dr Lana McCarthy and education student Blake share what qualities they believe make a good educator.
Who was your favourite teacher when you were in school?
Lana: My favourite teacher was Mr Thompson because he cared about his students as people. He took an interest in who you were and your life. He made classes really interactive, engaging and collaborative. I really love the way that he was able to change his teaching style to try and get the best out of all of his students.
Blake: For me, it was my Year 9 science teacher, Miss Carney. She would teach all of us as a group and as the lesson would progress, she would go from student to student and give them a different way of understating, which was great.
What is the best thing about teaching a class?
Lana: The best thing about being in front of the class is your students. It’s that relationship building. I love seeing the ‘aha’ moment when you can see them switch and all of a sudden, they understand it. That’s the best moment as a teacher.
Blake: I have loved my placements immensely. Being hands-on and seeing real students is what makes all the difference. I’m learning so many different ways that I can help these individuals. It makes you feel so good that you are making a difference, even if it’s one student or one lesson at a time.
What role do teachers play in society?
Lana: Teachers have such a crucial role in developing our future society. Teaching has moved away from that direct traditional approach where the teacher stands up the front and delivers the content and that’s as far as the relationship goes. These days, we are preparing our teachers to teach in different ways and create those relationships. In today’s society, there are so many other factors impacting our students outside of school that we need to be aware of. We have more of an understanding about what they could potentially be facing in their home lives.
How is Southern Cross University preparing future teachers for the workforce?
Lana: We are reimaging what teacher education can and should look like. We are exploring the concept of a teaching school for Master of Teaching students. Students will be embedded in a teaching school two to three days a week over the course of a year. Research tells us that students want more time in schools and teachers believe that students should have more time in schools so that when they do enter the profession, it’s not a shock to them that this is what it means to be in a school day in, day out.
What makes a good teacher?
Blake: The first word that comes to mind is passion. You have to go in wanting to help these students. Show as much passion as you can and make sure that they leave each day learning something new. Ensure they are safe, happy and wanting to come back the next day.
Learn more about studying education and teaching.
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What makes a good teacher? SCU Buzz