Southern Cross stars in science, engineering and nursing research
Southern Cross University has affirmed its position as a leading regional research university, the latest Excellence in Research for Australia results show.
The 2018 ERA results released today through the Australian Research Council lists Southern Cross performing at or above world standard in 23 different areas of research.
The different research areas are rated 1 to 5 for all universities, with 5 being ‘well above world standard’; 4 ‘above world standard’; and 3 ‘at world standard’.
Southern Cross University Vice Chancellor Adam Shoemaker said the 5-rating in Earth Sciences, Environmental Science and Management, Ecology and Forestry Sciences reinforced the University’s standing as a national and international research leader in these areas.
“In this year’s ERA round Southern Cross University rose significantly at the highest level of research attainment. While it achieved nine ERA-5 results in 2014 it secured 14 ERA-5 results this year —a dramatic increase and an outstanding result,” Professor Shoemaker said.
“Southern Cross celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and to be so strong – more than two decades later - in areas that helped build the university’s research foundation, is very satisfying,” he said.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) Professor Mary Spongberg highlighted the achievements of a 5-rating in nursing and engineering research.
“Nursing has steadily improved its research reach and impact over successive ERA results to be well above world standard and we are very proud of that,” she said.
“The rise of our Civil Engineering and Resources Engineering areas to a 5-rating is particularly notable as this is a very new area of research for the University.”
Southern Cross achieved 14 ERA-5 results. These fields of research are:
- Earth Sciences (ERA-4 in 2015)
- Geochemistry (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Oceanography (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Environmental Science and Management (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Ecology (ERA-4 in 2015)
- Zoology (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Agriculture and Veterinary Science (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Crop and Pasture production (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Fisheries Sciences (ERA-4 in 2015)
- Forestry Sciences (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Civil Engineering (ERA-4 in 2015)
- Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (ERA-4 in 2015)
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (ERA-5 in 2015)
- Nursing (ERA-5 in 2015)