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Southern Cross achieves impact ranking for global sustainability

Hive training at Beekeeping Congress Fiji CREDIT ACIAR


25 June 2024

Southern Cross University has debuted in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024 with a solid performance across multiple United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The University placed in the 401-600 band of 1,963 global institutions assessed in the latest THE Impact Rankings, now in its sixth year.

The result reflects ongoing work by Southern Cross that supports and sustains the future of people and the planet.

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) provide a framework for tackling climate change, providing health and education for all, eradicating inequality and oppression, and supporting sustainable economic growth.

Southern Cross University scored particularly well in SDG 5 Gender Equality and SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. For SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities, the University ranked in the Top 200 globally. These are all areas of existing strength across both the University’s research and its day-to-day operations.

“At Southern Cross University, we don’t just talk – we make things happen,” said Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Tyrone Carlin.

“Our research supports the Sustainable Development Goals in interconnected and mutually reinforcing ways.

“As an example, Southern Cross University’s ongoing research into the Pacific beekeeping industries, where we’ve worked with partner organisations in Fiji to improve opportunities for women, has included providing training and assisting the country’s Ministry of Agriculture to develop its Gender in Agriculture policy,” he said.

“These types of activities create long-term, sustained change that we can continue to build on into the future.”

Fiji’s Gender in Agriculture policy helps women from local communities to support a sustainable beekeeping industry, which is important for regional and global food production and security.

The University also ranked well in two of its other prominent areas of performance, scoring in the 201-300 band of 924 global institutions in SDG 13 Climate Action and in the 101-200 band of 628 global institutions in SDG 14 Life Below Water.

“Our research works to actively address a wide range of environmental and climate science issues such as moving to save threatened species and improving the resilience of coral reefs,” said Professor Mary Spongberg, Southern Cross University’s Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor.

“We also run an impressive suite of programs such as Climate Change & Me and Nature Play aimed at the younger generations, and are actively moving towards our target of Net Zero by 2035.

“Our Sustainability Strategy – which is our roadmap to that target – includes implementing initiatives such as installing solar energy and LED lighting throughout our campuses, which we’ve already begun.

“It’s great to see the initiatives we’ve already introduced reflected in our first Times Higher Education Impact Ranking – debuting in the 401-600 band is an excellent start! With further innovations planned for the future, we’ll build on what we’ve already achieved to move towards our sustainability goals.

“There’s a lot for Southern Cross University to look forward to,” she said.

Learn more about the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.

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MAIN PHOTO:  Hive training at the 1st Pacific Islands Bee Congress in Fiji in May 2023. The initiative stemmed from an ACIAR-funded research project led by Southern Cross University aimed at improving the productivity and profitability of smallholder beekeeping (photo credit ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)).

Media contact

Sharlene King, Media Office at Southern Cross University +61 429 661 349 or