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Recommendation and Assessment Guide 2024

The Early Offer Program enables Year 12 students to gain an early offer on the basis of their high school grades and school recommendation. Our aim is to match an individual student to a particular course based on their demonstrated level of academic achievement and their likelihood of success in their chosen discipline.

Guide Overview

We have created new Recommendation Tiers based on predicted student ATARs to ensure you have a clear framework for recommending students from your school.

The predicted ATAR a guide only and allows a way to objectively assess a student for entry into their chosen course. Ultimately the responsibility for recommending a student to the appropriate Southern Cross University course is with the person completing the recommendation in the portal. The shared goal is to set a student up for success in a Southern Cross University program.

The exception is students wanting to study Business in Hotel Management will be required to attend an interview prior to entry into the course (Diploma and Bachelor).

Welcome to the Southern Cross University school's recommendation of portal for our early offer program. This video aims to give you some step-by-step instructions to use the portal and some of you may be familiar with our old portal and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to understand the new steps to go through to make your students the best possible offer with our University as we can.

You would have received an email from us with a link to the new portal with your username and password details. If you don't have these please go ahead and send us an email or give your future students officer a phone call and we can make sure that they reach you as soon as possible.

To log into the new portal all you have to do is type your username and your password and once you login you can stay logged in and we have accessibility mode as well. A feature of the new portal is that you can now reset your password should you need to right here through the Forgotten password link and if you want to have a look at our terms and conditions they're here as well.

Once you've logged on to your portal this is where you'll have specific information relating to you your students in the school for you the most important thing will be here in the early offer recommendation dashboard. If you need help if you want to click through and watch this video or find some more information you have the link here if you need to download and read the recommendation guide or go through what some of the more detailed information is go ahead and click through here for now we'll go in here to the earlier for recommendations dashboard.

Now we're going to go through the process of making a recommendation for your student so we're going to click on here going to go to the fourth student down and have a look at this student who's applied to study a bachelor of Education with Southern Cross University.

So it will take you through here and you'll find a lot of useful information some general details about what our portal is what our early offer is the great thing about our early offer program at Southern Cross University is that every single student will be offered a place in one of our programs so if a student doesn't quite have the background or the marks needed to get directly into a degree program of their choice we have three pathway programs that may go straight into a diploma or associate degree which actually gives them direct credit and they won't lose any time in their degree at all and they'll go straight into their program of choice, be that business, engineering, health.

We also have two free pathway programs for ATAR students we have the Transition to Uni which is a free six-week course so that students can do this before the university semester starts or the session starts and they can then go straight into their degree of choice and be fully prepared for the degree they want to do and for students who need a little bit more support or non-atar students we have a 12-week free Preparing for Success program that students can take face-to-face or online and research shows that students who've successfully gone through this program have fantastic results in University and are really successful in their programs.

As we go down we're going to have a look at the student that we've chosen who wants to study a bachelor of education so it gives us their name what they want to study we know their current grade 12 student because that's what makes them eligible for this Early Offer program and next we want to know if they're eight are eligible or not, is the student studying in atar? The student is going to study a NATO and if you get this message pop up these notifications it'll disappear after a few seconds or you can X out of it.

So if a student is studying an ATAR like this student, what we're interested in is their predicted ATAR. What do we think their ATAR is going to be? There's a number of calculators that are available that you may choose to use sometimes students already know what their predicted atar is and in your conversations with them you may know this and basically we trust you to make the assessment on behalf of the student as the person who knows the student better than anybody and we go in here and we put the associated score for this student which will help us understand in an objective way if the student is prepared for the study that they've chosen.

So this particular student is predicted to have an atar of 80 which means they can go ahead and be recommended into the Early Offer program before their degree of choice which is The Bachelor of Education which means you'll see them here if you have a long list and there's something that's gone wrong you can always go back you can always remove the last student but if you've gone ahead and done all your recommendations you can then submit.

And that's how you complete your recommendations if you want to do them one by one like I did that's great or you could do 10 or 20 at a time and submit at the end you can choose how it works for you and when you have completed them in your version you'll see the completed recommendations in this table here and you'll see any other student outcomes here in this table as well so what happens if a student doesn't have an ATAR or they may not have the score that we're looking for or you may feel they're not quite ready to take their degree of choice.

So if we go back to our Bachelor of Education student, we can see all the details here there's no difference you click on make recommendation is the student data eligible and we say yes they are and the student isn't quite on track to get the score they need to get in and they're headed for a lower a low ATAR and in this case this would get them direct entry into a diploma which will give them direct credit into the Bachelor of Education degree. On completion if that's not quite the best option for the student we have a lot even lower atar what we have is the Transition to UNI program the free six-week program online for students before the University academic year starts and that student will be offered a place in that program and guaranteed entry into their bachelor of choice.

What if the students not taking an ATAR at all? So we've ended up back at this student with a Bachelor of Education we've gone back to the drop-down to say that they are not ATAR eligible, but a lot of students may have completed a certificate or a diploma while they've been at school and if that's the case you can choose these as the qualification instead of the predicted atar and it will go ahead and correlate to the degree or the program that they can gain entry to here at Southern Cross certificates in this case would let the student into our diploma of arts and social sciences a direct pathway into their bachelor degree with guaranteed entry and with credit if they've done a certificate for the student would get direct entry into the bachelor degree so you can see here we'd recommend the Early Offer for them go ahead and offer them a place in The Bachelor of education and if a student's done a diploma while they've been at school there will also be granted direct entry into the bachelor degree the student has no ATAR doesn't necessarily mean they have a certificate or a diploma they may have no additional qualifications then we would go ahead and have a look at putting them in our Preparing for Success program the free 12-week preparation program where on completion a student can get direct entry into any degree of their choice at Southern Cross University. So you would complete the recommendation, you would see them here, and you would submit that recommendation just like we did previously with a student got direct entry into the bachelor's degree.

So that's how you go ahead and do your recommendations you can download different forms here to keep a record for yourself you can log into this portal anytime and of course you can always contact one of us here at Southern Cross University for further assistance and we were more than happily walk you through the process talk you through over the phone or just answer any general questions you may have about the programs about the process we are here to help you at any time.

Early Offer tiers and ATAR requirements

Early Offer ATAR / Predicated ATAR SCU Course

Tier 1


Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Tier 2 










Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Laws (Undergraduate & Graduate Entry 3 years)

Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Midwifery

Bachelor of Psychological Science, Bachelor of Laws

Tier 3

79-75, Diploma


Tier 4















74-70, Certificate IV















Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology

Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours), Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Exercise Science and Psychological Science

Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Bachelor of Psychological Science

Bachelor of Psychological Science, Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Speech Pathology

Tier 5







 69- 65, Certificate III

NB * Cert III not eligible for entry







* Bachelor of Counselling 

Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies)

Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle)

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Bachelor of Veterinary Technology 

Tier 6


















Bachelor of Art and Design

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Community Welfare

Bachelor of Contemporary Music

Bachelor of Digital Media

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge

Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies

Bachelor of Social Work

Tier 7  




Associate Degree of Engineering

Associate Degree of Law (Paralegal Studies

Tier 8 




















Diploma of Arts

Diploma of Business

Diploma of Conveyancing (Law and Practice)

Diploma of Education

Diploma of Engineering

Diploma of Health

Diploma of Information Technology

Diploma of Legal Studies

Diploma of Regenerative Agriculture

Diploma of Science

Tier 9


 Under 45


Preparing for Success at SCU Program

Transition to Uni (TU)

Interview Required





Associate Degree of International Tourism and Hotel Management

Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management

Diploma of Hotel Management


Assessment guidelines

Pathway Programs

Course Guidelines

Preparing for Success at SCU Program

This award-winning program teaches you how to manage your time, write essays, undertake research and apply mathematical concepts, providing the skills you need to succeed at university and progress towards a new career. 

Transition to Uni (TU)

The six-week course is a full-time intensive program. Students should ensure that they are able to devote approximately 40 hours per week for study, including 10 hours of class and up to 30 hours for independent study and assessment preparation each week.


Education and Teaching

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Education - (Primary)

The Bachelor of Education qualifies you to be a teacher in Australia, and many countries overseas. Our evidence-based course draws on the Faculty of Education’s leadership and research in teacher education that is responsive to local and global contexts.Primary (Kindergarten/Prep to Year 6); English Primary Specialisation and specialisation in Science and Maths available.

Bachelor of Education(Early Childhood/Primary)

Early Childhood/Primary (6 weeks to Year 6);

Bachelor of Education - (Primary/Secondary)

Primary (Kindergarten/Prep to Year 6); English Primary Specialisation and specialisation in Science and Maths available.

Bachelor of Education - (Secondary)

Secondary (Two teaching specialisations); or

Bachelor of Education - (Technology Secondary)

Secondary: Design and Technology (choose from Industrial Technology, or Food and Fibre, plus one Secondary specialisation).

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Core units cover early childhood principles and practices, child development theory and application, supporting children’s learning and pedagogical approaches for early childhood education. You will also investigate contemporary issues in early childhood education, leadership and management, the arts, and health and wellbeing in the early childhood environment.

Diploma of Education

The Diploma of Education is a one-year (full-time or part-time equivalent) course that equips students with foundational knowledge and skills in education. The course is a pathway to study for a professional career pathway in education. Students choose a specialisation in either Primary, Secondary or Technology Secondary teaching to shape their studies. The course develops students' knowledge, skills and capabilities for further education and can also serve as a pathway to direct employment in various paraprofessional roles. Diploma of Education graduates are eligible for entry and up to eight units of credit towards the Bachelor of Education.



Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Contemporary Music

The Bachelor of Contemporary Music prepares you for a portfolio career in music — the multi-faceted career pathway that is now most common for contemporary musicians. Tailor your degree towards your area of interest, whether it’s production, performance, songwriting or other professional areas of the music industry.

Bachelor of Art and Design

This internationally acknowledged degree is designed to enhance your artistic flair and develop your career options as an artist, curator or designer. Students are immersed in a rich studio experience with an atmosphere that inspires creativity with access to the dynamic arts scene of the Northern Rivers.

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts focuses on human cultures, values and beliefs that will broaden your mind with challenging ideas. This course fosters transferable skills that are highly valued across all sectors – qualities such as communication, analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Bachelor of Digital Media

You’ll develop skills in writing, production, visual and research skills, and gain access to work experience opportunities and networks of industry professionals across the media and communications spectrum.

Diploma of Arts

The Diploma of Arts is a pathway course into a range of Bachelor degrees in humanities, digital media and visual art, providing up to eight (8) units of credit towards these courses.


Law and Justice

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Laws (Undergraduate & Graduate Entry 3 years)

Multiply your skills, knowledge and career prospects with a double degree in arts and law. You can immerse yourself in arts majors such as history, digital media or politics and international relations, while at the same time gathering the qualifications for a legal career.

Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Business

Knowledge of the intricacies of the law and of business can give you a competitive edge, regardless of the field you work in. Our four-year double degree takes you into many areas of the law relevant to Australian organisations – from industrial relations to corporate finance.

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws

Multiply your skills, knowledge and career prospects with a double degree in arts and law. You can immerse yourself in arts majors such as history, digital media or politics and international relations, while at the same time gathering the qualifications for a legal career.

Bachelor of Psychological Science, Bachelor of Laws

The course will equip you with the skills, knowledge and experience required to embark on a career in law, as well as a strong grounding in psychology and psychological theory, providing insights into the workings of the human mind. Through an optional professional placement you can develop networks and gain vital insight into career possibilities.

Associate Degree of Law (Paralegal Studies)

This course will get you working in law quickly and lays the foundation for career progression. As you explore the Australian legal system, you will gather skills in legal research and writing, and absorb foundational principles in key areas of the law. You can choose to undertake voluntary legal experience or a para-professional placement to become familiar with the issues facing working paralegals. An optional major in Conveyancing provides the academic pre-requisite for qualification as a conveyancer in NSW.

Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies

The Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies is an excellent degree for those wanting to work in policy development, paralegal positions, conveyancing, and in the justice sector. It provides a thorough practical grounding in legal knowledge and a strong understanding of Australian and international politics and society. If you have already been working professionally in the fields of law and justice, this course will extend your knowledge, skills and expertise. The conveyancing major, which is accredited by New South Wales Fair Trading, enables you to become a licenced conveyancer in NSW.

Diploma of Conveyancing (Law and Practice)

Graduates may also use the Diploma as an entry pathway to degrees such as the Associate Degree of Law (Paralegal Studies), the Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies, and subsequently the Bachelor of Laws at Southern Cross University.

Diploma of Legal Studies

The Diploma of Legal Studies is a pathway course that will equip you with foundational knowledge and skills in the areas of legal and justice studies. You will gain skills in legal research and writing while furthering your understanding of the Australian legal system, criminal process, family law, contract law and ethics.


Indigenous Knowledge

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge

The course generates greater understanding of Indigenous world views, by exploring histories, knowledge systems, determinants of health and wellbeing and ways of living, in a culturally diverse and supportive environment. You will build theoretical and practical capability in areas including cultural protocols and Indigenous ways of knowing and being. You'll learn to engage with communities and work towards better environmental, social and economic outcomes. You can focus your degree with a major in Indigenous Knowledge or choose a shared major from disciplines across the University. 


Nursing & Midwifery

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Nursing

Course learning for the Bachelor of Nursing is progressively scaffolded over the three years and during this time students are immersed in a range of innovative learning experiences from which their cognitive, emotional and clinical capabilities actively grow, and their capacity to engage, think critically and reflect are refined to inform their nursing interventions. 

Bachelor of Midwifery

The Bachelor of Midwifery prepares you for entry to professional midwifery practice. You will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to provide quality, woman-centred care through safe and effective midwifery practice in accordance with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council standards for practice.


Health Science

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

You'll gain a scientific understanding of the structure and function of the human body and the interrelationships between health and disease. Together with foundational sciences, you will explore the intricacies of human health and examine the pathological basis of disease processes. You will develop skills in problem-solving, analysis and interpretation of medical and laboratory data, as well as practical skills in laboratory methods.

Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies)

Providing a comprehensive grounding in anatomy and physiology, you’ll develop deep knowledge of the connections between the structure and function of your bones, joints, muscles and nerves.

Bachelor of Speech Pathology

Speech pathologists assess and treat adults and children exhibiting acquired or congenital disorders of speech, fluency, voice, language, swallowing and multimodal communication.

Bachelor of Exercise Science and Psychological Science

You will complete core units in exercise science including anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, strength and conditioning, and motor control as well as core units in psychological science that include assessment, methodology and principles of behaviour. 

Bachelor of Psychological Science

This degree will help you develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as proficiency in research and statistics, all of which will inform your ability to apply scientific approaches in professional settings as well as enhance your understanding of yourself and of the world.

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

The work of occupational therapists is diverse. They adapt environments, activities or equipment to enhance participation in everyday tasks, assisting people of all ages and abilities to do what they need and want to do at home, work, school and in the community. You will develop a range of health professional skills in the University’s state-of-the-art facilities and during your professional placement, preparing you for work in diverse healthcare environments.

Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology

The Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology is a four-year degree that develops expert knowledge about how exercise can improve health and wellbeing and prevent, rehabilitate or manage chronic disease, injury or disability.

Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle)

To practice as a Clinical Naturopath, students must successfully complete the Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle) and the Southern Cross University Master of Naturopathic Medicine. The total full-time duration for this clinical training program is four years. This is the only four-year program in Naturopathic Medicine offered in Australia where students will graduate with a Masters degree.

Bachelor of Counselling 

The Bachelor of Counselling provides a foundation in psychology, assessment and interventions, counselling theory and practice and building relationships. To be eligible for entry into this course, applicants must:

  1. Meet the University’s standard minimum admission requirements for undergraduate courses, including for High School Students, and complete secondary education.
  2. Demonstrate a suitable degree of life experience, including self-awareness, a capacity to relate to others and an understanding of ethical behavior which are assessed through:
    1. Two confidential references addressing the applicant’s suitability for the course; and
    2. The applicant’s responses to the SCU Counselling Readiness Questionnaire.

Bachelor of Physiotherapy

The Bachelor of Physiotherapy develops physiotherapists who have the knowledge and skills required to operate effectively and ethically as primary contact practitioners. You will study functional human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, neuroscience, pain sciences, therapeutic exercise, psychology, pharmacology and develop an understanding of acute, chronic, acquired and developmental diseases and injury across the lifespan.

Bachelor of Psychological Science, Bachelor of Business

Interested in business and psychology and a career that might include both? This double degree combines two dynamic and fascinating areas of study, developing a diverse skill set with accredited specialisations and career flexibility.

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

This degree provides a comprehensive study of sport sciences and how the human body responds to exercise. You’ll learn about human movement, biomechanics, movement control, exercise physiology, exercise and sport psychology, coaching and exercise prescription, with the opportunity to specialise in either business management, physical education or strength, conditioning and coaching. 

Bachelor of Community Welfare

The Bachelor of Community Welfare provides you with the theoretical and practical foundations for work in the community welfare and human services sectors. You will gain skills in case management, community development, counselling, social research, advocacy and organisational practice.

Bachelor of Social Work

The Bachelor of Social Work is an entry-level, professionally accredited qualification to practise as a social worker. This high job growth area offers a variety of careers in client service roles, service management, research, strategy and policy development. The course prepares students to work in a diverse range of fields including health and mental health, child and family welfare, cross-cultural work and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, youth work, homelessness, domestic and family violence, disability, drug and alcohol, community development, and advocacy.

Diploma of Health

Graduates can seek professional outcomes in several areas, including as allied health assistants, personal care assistants, lab assistants, and case workers. This Diploma is also an ideal pathway towards further study at Southern Cross University and provides guaranteed entry to a range of Bachelor degrees.

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science

The course covers foundational medical science topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, genetics, microbiology, histology, biochemistry and haematology. It then progresses to advanced studies in immunohaematology, infectious disease, histopathology and genetic pathology.


Engineering, Science, and Information Technology


Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science at Southern Cross University is a flexible degree allowing you to incorporate a wide range of subjects with career-focused science specialisations.

Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Systems

Develops skills and understanding of environmental science and management. Units cover ecology, ecosystem regeneration, biochemistry, modelling and resource management (including water, catchments and waste/resources in the circular economy).

Bachelor of Science -Marine Systems

Builds on introductory earth systems knowledge with units at our National Marine Science Centre Islands Marine Park. These units cover oceanography, marine ecology, fish and aquaculture, reefs, fisheries and marine parks management.

Bachelor of Science -Regenerative Agriculture

Investigates human ecology, soil processes, regenerative strategies and soil management, planning of rural landscapes, developing specialist knowledge and taking a holistic approach to food production and farm management. Includes practical, on-farm residential schools.

Bachelor of Veterinary Technology 

The Bachelor of Veterinary Technology provides the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to operate as a registered Veterinary Technologist in Australia or New Zealand. You will develop a strong theoretical understanding of a veterinary health care team philosophy, focussing on areas such as anatomy and physiology, animal nutrition and reproduction, clinical pathology and microbiology, radiography, and pharmacology.

Diploma of Regenerative Agriculture

Drawing on multi-disciplinary knowledges, this course will provide graduate students a sound understanding of how to apply the principles and practices of regenerative agriculture in different farming contexts. They will also learn how to effectively work with landholders and support transitions towards regenerative systems. Students with a science background can select a soil specialisation, or elective units.

Diploma of Science

This course will prepare you with a solid grounding in scientific knowledge and skills. It also enables you to explore the many opportunities that science provides, the wonders of the natural environment and more.


Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours)

The Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours) is designed to meet the requirements for accreditation at the level of Professional Engineer by Engineers Australia. Foundational core units build knowledge of the basic sciences, practical skills and the processes and philosophy that underpin the engineering profession.

Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours), Bachelor of Business

The course produces industry-ready professional engineers with the skills, capabilities and attributes needed to analyse and create solutions for complex engineering systems. Students choose either a Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering specialisation to develop their expertise in a field of practice. 

Associate Degree of Engineering

The course is suited to school leavers or those with a trade qualification who are looking to enter the civil construction or manufacturing and production industries in a supervisory, project management or technical role, or progress their careers in these industries to the next level.

Diploma of Engineering

The one-year full-time (or part-time equivalent) Diploma of Engineering is designed for school leavers or those with a trade qualification who are seeking to upskill and move into supervisory, project management or technical roles. It has a focus on developing technical and practical skills needed by industry. Successful completion of the diploma will enable entry and up to eight (8) units of credit towards the Southern Cross Associate Degree of Engineering or the Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours).

Information Technology

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Information Technology

Tailor your studies through the choice of a major in big data technologies; networks and cybersecurity; digital interaction and the user experience; or software development – you’ll have the opportunity to put that theory into practice through a professional placement of 312 hours as part of your course.

Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Business

The Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Business develops these qualities, combining information technology skills with business management principles. This double degree is a pathway to multiple career options, from software development to international business, networking and cybersecurity to marketing, data science to entrepreneurship and beyond.

Diploma of Information Technology

Successful completion of the Diploma of Information Technology will enable entry and up to eight units of credit towards the Southern Cross Bachelor of Information Technology.


Business and Tourism

Course Guidelines

Bachelor of Business

The Bachelor of Business has a focus on developing innovation and impact in a complex and changing business world with inspired and multidisciplinary learning experiences. You’ll become equipped with the practical skills, tools and knowledge that are vital for the sustainability of society, business and industry.

Bachelor of Business , Bachelor of Arts

You will build core capabilities to support business decision-making, with foundational knowledge in business law, economics and accounting with the opportunity to major in a range of subjects from both business and arts disciplines. You may also elect to specialise in accounting or financial services.

Diploma of Business

This one-year program includes study in financial analysis and budget control, marketing concepts, consumer behaviour, market systems and their limitations. It also examines the impact of government policy on the business environment.

Associate Degree of International Tourism and Hotel Management

You will develop practical knowledge in both front and back-of-house through units of study in food and beverage operations, accommodations, operations, and finance. You will have access to 880 hours of paid internships and, on successful completion of the course, will be eligible for entry into the Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management at The Hotel School with two years' credit. 

Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management

All applicants for The Hotel Schools are selected on their individual merit. While recent academic performance or professional experience is used as an indicator of ability to undertake studies at a tertiary level, applicants will also be invited to an interview as part of the final application process.

Diploma of Hotel Management

The curriculum is built on hotel leadership/management principles. Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma may choose to progress to the Master of Business in Global Hotel Leadership where they will be exposed to a series of higher-level self-management approaches to learning.


The Early Offer Assessment Guide should be used in conjunction with the following program entry requirements to guide your recommendations.


Entry Requirements
Entry For students who are passing all their subjects and/or for whom you believe have the potential for strong academic performance and are well suited academically for their chosen discipline.
Pathway For students who have not reached a level of academic achievement required to enter directly into an undergraduate degree.