Be a Better Human
A student-led campaign focused around consent, sexual harassment and sexual assault, bystander education, respectful relationships and reporting and support options for University students.
In 2017, The Australian Human Rights Commission conducted a randomised survey of university students, including students here at SCU, and released the National Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Australian Universities. The report offered many suggestions for universities to adopt and while we think those recommendations are fantastic, here at SCU we want to do even better!
This initiative was created with a group of students from the ground up, to reflect our campus culture and what we think everyone needs to appreciate – consent, respect and empathy. The campaign is called Be a Better Human, because we don’t just want it to be about what we shouldn’t do; we want it to be about self-improvement for everyone. And when we say ‘everyone’, we really do mean everyone. We’re encouraging everyone who is part of our campus community to take a moment and consider how we can ‘better’ our Behaviour.
If you’re interested in being a better human too, please don’t just stop here – there is more to see, hear, and do. Grab a copy of our booklet and join the discussion in person or online – #BeABetterHuman
Download Be a Better Human SCU Booklet