Training and support
Training and support
Support for your research journey
When studying a Higher Degree by Research at Southern Cross University, we’ll support you along the way. From orientation to our facilities and resources, to fostering interests on and off-campus, we cater to your needs.
As early as possible in your candidature, you will be required to attend an HDR Orientation. This mandatory event will allow you to set up your peer support networks (especially important for students studying in isolation). Having a solid support system allows you to maintain accountability for your research goals; receive support for publication, and continue to foster passion and interest in your research. Orientation is held twice a year, in February/March and August. The Graduate School also hosts a number of workshops each year to assist higher degree researchers with their writing, research and data management.
Higher Degrees Research (HDR) Orientation to be held on 29 February 2024
The Orientation Program is an important event in your candidature. Getting the right start to your research program is likely to save you time and energy at later, more critical, junctures. The Program offers key information, tips and strategies on how to navigate your candidature.
Candidates are reminded that, unless individually exempted by the Dean Graduate School, attendance at an HDR Orientation Program is a mandatory milestone requirement of your candidature and is normally considered a prerequisite for confirmation of candidature.
If you require further information, please contact the HDR support team.
Research Support Toolkit
RAISE: the Southern Cross University Library Research Support Toolkit is specifically designed to be a one-stop shop for all our research students.
Research Support
The Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research provides support for research ethics, research funding applications and IP.
Southern Cross Postgraduate Association (SCPA)
For domestic and international postgraduate students, the SCPA advances and fosters your interests on and off campus.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
The 3MT is a research communication competition that challenges research students to explain their thesis and its significance in just three minutes.
Counselling and psychological support services
Balancing the many things that life throws our way is not always easy. But getting help is. Whether it’s study, work or relationships Southern Cross University offers counselling and psychological support services.
Receive support to:
- Reduce stress, anxiety and depression
- Build your mental health and wellbeing
- Access free groups and programs on campus or online.
See our counselling and psychological support services
Students can also reach out to the Graduate School if they have any issues related to their candidature, supervision or research.
Higher Degree Researcher Workshops
The Higher Degree Research Register of Supervisors Policy requires all supervisors to apply for renewal of their registration for inclusion on the Register of Supervisors every three years. The attached application form for the Renewal of Registration for registered supervisors must be returned to the Graduate School for all those supervisors who have not renewed their registration in the past three years.
In accordance with the requirements of the HDR Register of Supervisors Policy, staff need to have taken appropriate steps in the last three years to develop and maintain good supervisory skills and knowledge of Southern Cross Universities policies, guidelines and rules as they pertain to higher degree by research, as well as the requirement to attend relevant workshops or seminars offered by the Graduate School prior to applying for renewal on the Register of Supervisors.
The Graduate School has organised HDR Supervisor Training for HDR supervisors who are required to undertake training, and this is relevant to all supervisors who have not attended a training session facilitated by the Dean, Graduate Studies in the last 3 years.
The next HDR Supervisor training is: TBC