Meet the research students
Meet the research students
Tarek Chouja
PhD Student
Research Topic: Examining the interrelationship between green exercise and mindfulness. Principal Supervisor: Dr Eric Brymer. Co-supervisor: Dr Luke Del Vecchio
Helen Clark
PhD Student
Research Topic: The imperative of nature for psychological health and wellbeing: Facilitating universal adoption in health provision. Principal Supervisor: Dr Eric Brymer. Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Matthew Leach
Kate Currey
Masters By Research Student
Research Topic: Mental Health Undergraduate Student in Nursing positions in Northern NSW: A Feasibility Study. Principal Supervisor: Professor Jennene Greenhill. Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Louise Ward.
Courtney Du Plessis
PhD Student
Research Topic: Peer support workers in substance abuse treatment services: The influence on their recovery. Principal Supervisor: Dr Louise Whitaker. Co-supervisor: Professor John Hurley.
Nicole Graham
PhD Student
Research Topic: Interdisciplinary and lived experience understanding of Trauma-informed care and socio-ecological factors that influence training and implementation. Principal Supervisor: Dr Louise Whitaker. Co-supervisor: Professor John Hurley
Maria Kostyanaya
PhD Student
Research Topic: Intimate Partner Experience of a Relationship with a Person with Pathologically Narcissistic Traits: From Surviving to Thriving. Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Jacqueline Yoxall. Co-supervisor: Dr Anna Praskova.
Antony Mullen
PhD Student
Research Topic: Consumer experiences of Safewards within acute inpatient mental health units. Principal Supervisor: Professor Brenda Happell. Co-supervisor: Professor John Hurley.
Shastri Nimmagadda
PhD Student
Research Topic: Developing design science theory and theorization process to examine the phenomena of connectivity between human, mental health, and environmental ecosystems through Data and Visual Analytics. Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Eric Brymer.
Lily Osmetti
PhD Student
Research Topic: Outness and psychological wellbeing in the transgender community. Principal Supervisor: Dr Kachina Allen. Co-supervisor: Dr Desiree Kozlowski
Julie Sharrock
PhD Student
Research Topic: Exploring how mental health nurse consultants contribute to the care of and outcomes for general hospital patients experiencing mental health conditions. Principal Supervisor: Professor Brenda Happell. Co-supervisor: Professor Marie Hutchinson.
Tracy Tabvuma
PhD Student
Research Topic: The physical health nurse consultant role: a consumer, carer and health professional perspective. Principal Supervisor: Professor Brenda Happell. Co-supervisor: Dr Ya-Ling Huang.
Shayleigh Walker-Jones
PhD Student
Research Topic: An Investigation of Vaccination Experiences, Attitudes and Concerns of Women of Childbearing Age in Regional NSW, Australia. Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Gail Moloney. Co-supervisor: Professor Marie Hutchinson.
Zahra Whyte
PhD Student
Research Topic: From Worry to Well-being: The Efficacy of Pro-environmental Behaviours for Treating Eco-anxiety. Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Eric Brymer. Co-supervisor: Dr Royce Willis.
Allyson Wilson
PhD Student
Research Topic: What are the lived experiences of mental health nurses providing trauma-informed care in acute mental health units. Principal Supervisor: Professor John Hurley. Co-supervisor: Professor Marie Hutchinson