The inclusion, respect and safety of all people at Southern Cross University are vitally important.
Southern Cross University is proud to be an active member of the national Respect.Now.Always campaign that aims to eliminate sexual assault and harassment on Australian campuses.
Student safety at SCU
Southern Cross University is committed to fostering a safe, respectful environment, combating racism, discrimination, gender-based violence, sexual misconduct, and supporting victims/survivors. Through various initiatives, we prioritise student success while ensuring safety and nurturing. SCU adopts an intersectional, systemic approach to address unequal power relationships, promoting inclusion, respect, and safety across diverse student cohorts.
SCU is committed to building a respectful, inclusive and diverse community and culture on campus.
The Respect@SCU online module helps everyone understand and explore what this means, It covers racism, discrimination, sexual consent, bystander intervention and student misconduct and more. It also provides avenues on how to seek support.
Respect@SCU is mandatory for all students. To avoid restrictions, complete the module before the end of your first term. It takes approximately 1-2 hours. Find it in MySCU>Self-help Hub.