Subscribing to Key Dates
How to subscribe to the Key Dates / University Calendar electronically on your device or app
Southern Cross University’s Key Dates calendar is available as a calendar subscription. This means you can view the principal dates in your app and device of choice. We’ve called it the University Calendar.
The University Calendar has all the important information you need each study period like census dates, exam periods, grade publication, study breaks and more.
We recommend using the Outlook calendar version as it will be available on the web app, Outlook for PCs, and mobile devices if you install Outlook. Some people also like to keep personal calendars separate to their student or work calendars. Installing Outlook will keep your study calendar separate to your default calendar (presuming your default calendar isn’t Outlook). You can use whatever app you like.
Subscribing to the University Calendar in Outlook
Using the calendar on Outlook is easy. Once subscribed, you will stay up-to-date and will not need to subscribe again; the calendar will be available on whichever version of the app you use (desktop, web app, or mobile).
Guide to subscribe to University Calendar via Outlook Web App
Subscribe to the University Calendar via other apps or mobile
In addition to making the calendar available to Outlook users, we have also published a subscribable ICS file. If you use Android or iPhone you can just click on the link to subscribe, and click ‘Yes’ when it asks you if you want to subscribe.
Copy and paste the URL into your app of choice and follow their instructions:
Here are some guides
Unsubscribing from the University Calendar
iOS (iPhones)
Open the Calendar app and choose Calendars to see a list of calendar subscriptions. Choose (i) next to the calendar you want to unsubscribe from and then choose Unsubscribe to remove it.
Log into Google Calendar with your Google Account. Click Settings, then click the Calendars tab. Find the calendar subscription you wish to remove and click ‘Unsubscribe’.
In Calendar, under ‘My Calendars’, right-click the name of the calendar that you want to delete. Click ‘Delete Calendar’.
Southern Cross University Calendar