Transform your future

A student on a grey background

Why study at Southern Cross University?

A better way to learn

A deeper more engaged learning experience

Top teaching quality

5-star rating in teaching quality (GUG 2023)

300+ Scholarships

Ranging in value from $600 to $50,000

Better Job outcomes

Above average employment rates in Nursing and Allied Health

“The facilities were great and the course laid the base for my career. I actually scored a dream job before I graduated and that’s where I’m working now.”

A picture of Engineering graduate Jake Bentley , outside, he is leaning against a fence and smiling at the camera

Recognise your experience

We offer a range of ways to gain entry for those not coming straight from high school. Previous work experience and secondary, tertiary or TAFE studies will be assessed for credit. For those who need to brush up on academic skills, SCU College offers the fee-free Preparing for Success Program that prepares students with the skills required for success at university.


We thrive on creating transformational opportunities for our students and offer scholarships to support regional, rural, and remote students, international students, students experiencing hardship, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and students who can demonstrate exceptional merit.

“I really wanted to make an impact on the world and my degree gave me the start I needed.”

Environmental Portraiture of Deborah Guion

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Applying is simple

1. Find a course

Discover and compare course to find the right one for you.

2. Start your application

Don’t forget to consider your scholarship options and if you’re eligible for credit for prior learning.

3. Accept and enrol

Accept your offer, enrol in the course’s units. Congratulations, you’re now an SCU student!

Frequently asked questions about study

Time to get serious about time! Managing your time can make the difference between a meaningful and enjoyable experience and a stressful one. There are lots of resources to help you manage your time like study planners. Check out our top tips for time management here.

While you can usually defer your tuition fees through HECS-HELP or another form of loan, you also need to figure out a budget that might include living expenses, food, transport, reference texts or even placement expenses. Don’t forget about scholarships. There is a very generous scholarship pool available at Southern Cross and application is easy-peasey.

Uni is a whole new study ballgame and it’s important to develop good study habits early on. If you haven’t studied for a while or you’re not super confident – don’t sweat it! There is an extensive range of services that can help you boost your academic skills and ace those first assignments.

Building relationships with your peers, professors, and others in your field can be a valuable way to learn more about your field of study, get advice, and potentially find a job or internship opportunities. Not to mention enjoying your uni experience more. There are so many opportunities – take advantage of them while you’re here as much as you can!

Adjusting to uni can be a big change, and it's important to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Make sure to eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and find time to relax and do things you enjoy. Get connected with UniLife – you are sure to find an activity that interests you. There’s also a free counselling service available to you.