Open Educational Resources
About OERs
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are openly and freely available resources that can be adopted and (in many cases) adapted under Creative Commons (CC) licences.
OERs remove the often prohibitive costs of course materials, ensuring equity of access to learning content. Such resources also provide pedagogical benefits for educators, including the capacity to innovate and tailor content for alignment with the course and unit learning outcomes.
The University encourages the adoption of Open Educational Resources, as stated in Clause 71 of the Assessment, Teaching and Learning Procedures.
The Library has an informative Open Resources Library guide which provides an overview of open resources as a whole.
View the guideThe Library has curated collections of subject-specific Open Textbooks. All the resources in these collections are in the public domain, or have a CC licence for re-use, revision, remixing, redistribution or retention.
Browse the collectionFaculty and College Librarians can provide advice on how to source, recommend or replace prescribed texts with OERs.
Faculty and College Librarians