VRM Biologik® Graduate Certificate Scholarship

VRM Biologik Posgraduate Scholarship - image shows tea tree plantation

About the VRM Biologik® Scholarship

VRM BioLogik® is an organisation committed to improving the state of agriculture globally through Australian-grown technology that enriches soil.

VRM Biologik® develops high-quality biological formulations for organic recycling, advanced soil and water remediation, agricultural support programs and industrial and domestic cleaning.

The company aims to provide safe and sustainable products by harnessing the power of naturally occurring reactions as a sustainable replacement for harsher chemical inputs in commercial and domestic operations.

The Scholarship is for students studying the Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture.

This Scholarship is worth $10,000 per recipient.

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Scholarship details

Apply for the VRM Biologik® Scholarship by submitting a short video (no longer than 3 minutes) answering the following question:

  1. Tell us about yourself, your passion and commitment to regenerative agriculture and how the scholarship will assist in helping to achieve your career goals.

Applications close 16 February 2025.

Apply now

  1. Be a student enrolled full-time or commencing a Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture at Southern Cross University.
  2. Outstanding academic performance with excellent achievements as evidenced by University GPA.
  3. Provide a ‘Statement of Commitment’ in video format that speaks to passion and commitment to regenerative agriculture and how the scholarship will assist in helping to achieve career goals.
  4. Students must display strong interpersonal skills.

Are you interested in applying or have questions about any of our scholarships?

Contact our Scholarships team

Scholarships Office

Industrial agriculture is facing a growing number of serious challenges, with degrading soils, increasing inputs and reduced water holding capacity across Australian landscapes. Looking to the future of food production demands that we rethink our approach to farming systems.

Learn more about the Graduate Certificate

Need more information? Please contact the Scholarship Office

Phone and email In person
Scholarships Campus locations
T: 1800 SC HELP (1800 72 4357)
E: scholarships@scu.edu.au
Gold Coast
Coffs Harbour