Engaging Students

a student in a class with his hand up

Engaging Students

Engaging students is fundamental to supporting learning.

Many of the questions you might have about your teaching will inevitably point back to whether you are engaging your students. There is likely to not be a quick fix to this problem but there are many points in the design, develop, teach and assess process that you can add ways to engage your students. We have provided some resources for you and we encourage you to look for more good ideas from your colleagues at SCU and beyond.

charaters standing in front of data models

Recording from Workshop 1: Gather data during delivery

You will explore how to gather data during delivery to allow for quick improvements to assist and enhance student engagement, and, ultimately, student success. You will receive skills training in the use of Grade Centre and Performance Dashboard.

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people holding various expression masks over their faces

Recording from Workshop 2: Evaluate your unit

Learn how to use technologies to evaluate your unit after the unit has finished running to provide useful information to assist and enhance student engagement, and, ultimately, student success.  You will receive further skills training in the use of statistical tracking; Eesysoft, and how to easily upload grades to eAcademic.

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