Articulation Arrangements - What should I know?
What should I know?
The Credit Search and Calculator is a list of Southern Cross University credit precedents that include results for agreed articulation credit linkages and pathways that may relate to the units, courses, qualifications, or occupations you offer.
You can refine your search by organisation type by viewing Articulation Credit Linkages and Pathways.
Enquire online about becoming an articulation partner, or t:+61 2 6626 9591 for assistance with your search.
If a suitable articulation arrangement doesn't exist, let's cooperate to create a new arrangement:
National or regional Qualification Credit Linkage; or Occupational Credit Linkage
Email your request to e:
Institute Specific Academic Pathway
Download, complete and submit the applicable Pathway Application Form, with supporting documents:
- Academic Pathways Request - Australian Organisations or
- Academic Pathways Request - International Organisations
Southern Cross Staff developing international academic pathways should complete and submit the International Pathways Request - STAFF ONLY
English Language Proficiency Pathway
Download, complete and submit the English Language Proficiency Pathways Request
All information submitted will remain confidential and will be used by the University to:
- Quality Assure and consider the Feasibility of proposed arrangements;
- email you with updates or notify you of outcomes; and
- if applicable, develop a formal Educational Cooperation Agreement.
Some level of content mapping will be required to determine equivalence in learning against the Southern Cross course entry requirements and/or learning outcomes. The evidence required to support content mapping is summarised in the Academic Evidence Checklists.
Southern Cross University has processes for establishing articulation arrangements in three sections:
- Internal articulation Pathways between Southern Cross Schools and Colleges;
- External articulation Credit Linkages or Pathways with Australian partners;
- External articulation Credit Linkages and Pathways with international partners.
For more information about Southern Cross articulation models view the Current Articulation Credit Linkages and Pathways
The Marketing and Promotional Guidelines provide more information about the ways we can work together to develop joint marketing publications to promote articulation Credit Linkages and Pathways.
Market and promote Credit Linkages and Pathways