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Unit of Study MDIA2004 Making Radio and Podcasts (2024)

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Unit Snapshot

Learning outcomes

Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.

On completion of this unit, students should be able to:

demonstrate an understanding of audio storytelling through radio and podcast formats and genres, production methods, audience development and program distribution.

demonstrate competency in operating digital audio production equipment including microphones, recording devices and editing software.

apply knowledge and understanding about audio storytelling production and sound design to creatively and competently produce audio-based narrative content.

demonstrate professionalism in critically and constructively appraising self and peers on a production.

Teaching and assessment

Teaching method
Workshop 1 hour (Weekly)
Tutorial 2 hours (Weekly)

Teaching method
Workshop 1 hour (Weekly)
Tutorial 2 hours (Weekly)

Teaching method
Workshop 1 hour (Weekly)
Tutorial 2 hours (Weekly)

Prescribed learning resources

Prescribed Texts
  • There are three copies of this text available as an e-book through the Southern Cross University Library. : Phillips, G, Lindgren, M & Bishop, R, 2013, Australian Broadcast Journalism, 3rd edn, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Victoria. ISBN: 9780195578171.
Prescribed Resources/Equipment
  • Students in this unit must have access to essential equipment by Week 1.

    All students must have access to:

    • broadband internet access
    • computer or laptop
    • portable storage device e.g. 4GB USB flash drive or an external hard drive
    • one pair of closed ear stereo headphones.

    On-campus mode students must also bring a headphone adaptor jack (to convert a small stereo (3.5 mm) headphone jack to a large stereo (6.35 mm) jack for use in the on-campus Mac lab.

    On-campus mode students will use university equipment.

    Online-mode students must acquire:

    • a digital recorder
    • an external microphone
    • digital editing software suitable for multi-track audio editing and mixing.

    See the learning site’s Orientation Module for full details. A summary follows.

    Rather than being prescriptive, this unit sets minimum standards for your equipment so that you can meet assessment requirements. Make sure you have your equipment in your hands by Week 1 at the latest.

    Access to a radio studio for recording your interviews is not essential for completing assessment.

    Digital audio recorders must:

    • be portable
    • record .wav files
    • either use an in-built directional microphone that records quality .wav audio or allows you to plug in a quality microphone (more on mics below)
    • let you transfer your audio digitally to your computer, usually via a USB or Bluetooth connection.

    NOTE: MP3 dictaphones are not suitable for producing broadcast quality audio. Suitable options include Zoom recorders (not the H1) and smartphones or tablets when used in conjunction with apps and external microphones.

    Microphones should have a uni-directional recording pattern, a cardioid (heart-shaped) recording field is recommended (the Rode Reporter mic is omnidirectional but designed for close micing and is not suited for your assessment tasks).

    Recommended Audio Editing software:

    • Online-mode students may choose from a range of recommended programs including Adobe Audition, Pro Tools, Reaper, Hindenburg but must purchase their own user licence and teach themselves how to use the software. See the learning site’s Orientation Module for further advice and links to online tutorial resources.
    • On-campus mode students will access and learn to use Pro Tools.

    Note: It is your responsibility to learn the software.

Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.

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