Online career assessment tools
How self-assessments can help
Career self-assessments develop your self-awareness and professional identity which helps you make more informed career choices.
As you progress through your studies, you will learn more about your discipline and your strengths and areas for development. Completing online career self-assessments will help you better understand your skills, interests, aptitudes and strengths. This knowledge helps you better prepare for what you want to do next, by helping you to:
- Make the right choices (e.g. which course)
- Make the most of your learning opportunities and elective subjects (such as Internships)
- Identify your key skills and strengths and how to leverage them
- Identify and develop strategies to deal with knowledge and skill gaps
- Understand how you relate to others in different situations (e.g. teamwork, leadership/management, socially).
Book Careers appointment
To discuss your results with a Careers Consultant, select the Appointments tab on the CareerSuccess webpage.
Take a careers assessment
Go to the CareerSuccess webpage to explore our career self-assessment tools and build your professional identity.
We recommend starting with the following:
- Myers Briggs Type Dynamic Indicator – Assists with understanding your preferences and how these relate to your strengths and areas for development
- Career Interest Inventory – Helps with career choices
- Other career assessment and psychometric aptitude assessments* – Assist in preparing for common recruitment screening tests and processes
* Studies show that practicing these assessments will improve your results and chances of reaching the next stage in an employer’s recruitment process.