RPL Guide – Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (3007012)
Prior learning recognised
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can occur for all units (with Note 2 and Note 3) within this course for:
- Formal learning — learning gained through study in a structured, accredited program that leads to full or partial achievement of a qualification; and/or
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can occur for some units (Note 2 units only) within this course for:
- Non-formal learning — learning gained through study in a structured, non-accredited program (such as a short course, seminar, or professional development) that does NOT lead to a qualification; and/or
- Informal learning — learning gained through years of paid or voluntary experience, professional standing or performance.
Credit thresholds
If your prior learning is already recognised, you’ll find it in the Credit Search and Calculator.
Coursework units with Note 2
The following credit thresholds may be granted into coursework units with Note 2 for related prior formal, non-formal or informal learning completed within ten years before the application for course Admission or Advanced Standing (whichever occurs first):
- Up to 3 units (36 Credit Points) are normally awarded for completing related units in an Australian Diploma, equivalent or higher.
Note 2 — non-accredited units common to other Southern Cross University courses |
Coursework units
For more information about a comparable overseas qualification, non-accredited study and the years of experience that may substitute for holding a discipline-related Australian qualification, view Appendix A of the Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning Procedures - Schedule 1.
A link to Schedule 1 is found in Clause 13 of the Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning Procedures.
Coursework units with Note 3
To meet the Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) professional standards and practicum requirements, the following credit thresholds may be granted into ESSA accredited coursework and placement units with Note 3 for related prior formal learning in an Australian Bachelor Degree, or higher, completed within five years before the application for course Admission or Advanced Standing (whichever occurs first).
Prior learning must be at least 80% equivalent to the learning and assessment outcomes and content of coursework units with Note 3, for which credit is sought and fulfil 100% of the hours required for placement units with Note 3, for which credit is sought.
- Up to 21 units (252 Credit Points) are normally awarded for completion of the Southern Cross University Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science, or another ESSA accredited AQF level 7 Bachelor Degree in exercise and sport science;
- Up to 21 units (252 Credit Points) is normally awarded if you are an ESSA accredited Exercise Scientist, or have an ESSA Graduate Assessment Outcome Letter.
- Up to 24 units (288 Credit Points) is normally awarded if you have successfully completed at least 3 full-time equivalent years in an ESSA accredited AQF level 7 Bachelor Degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology.
Note 3 — ESSA accredited units necessary to meet ESSA professional standards |
Coursework units
Placement units
Additional credit
If you believe your prior learning exceeds these thresholds you should request a waiver of normal credit limits by email to enquiry@scu.edu.au.
If your prior learning occurred more than ten years ago for units with Note 2 or 5 years ago for units with Note 3, you must provide supporting documents to demonstrate the ways you have generated and maintained currency of practice due to more recent and ongoing learning in a relevant field, such as professional memberships with peak bodies, on-the-job training, professional development, certification, credentials or research.
Related fields of prior learning
Apply for RPL if your prior learning relates to:
Anatomy and Physiology |
Nutrition | Growth and Development |
Exercise Physiology | Biomechanics | Exercise and Sport Science |
Exercise and Sport Psychology | Health Science | Metabolic and Renal Health |
Behaviour Change | Evidence-based Practice and Ethical Research | Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Health |
Mental and Cardiorespiratory Health | Oncology and Neurological Health | Business and Entrepreneurship OR Interprofessional Health Practice |
Mandatory units
There is one mandatory capstone unit that is not eligible for recognition of prior learning:
- HLTH3016 Integrated Clinical Exercise Physiology Capstone
It is important to apply as early as possible. If you apply for direct admission with Southern Cross University using our online Application for Admission, in the Advanced Standing section, indicate that you wish to be considered by selecting yes from the drop-down box.
If you wish to be considered for credit after course commencement, use your Student ID to log into the My Enrolment portal. Select eForms from the menu bar to complete and submit your application for advanced standing at least:
- Four months before the commencement of a placement unit; or
- One month before the commencement of a coursework unit.
Credit granted will affect the units you choose in your study plan. Don’t enrol in a unit for which credit is sought. For more information view How to apply.
Your portfolio of evidence for experience (applicable to units with Note 2 only)
For information on the minimum years of full-time equivalent paid/voluntary experience at ANZSCO Skill level 1 that is required to be granted credit for informal learning (work experience), see Schedule 1 in Clause 13 of Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning Procedures.
View the ANZSCO Structure to identify the indicative skill level of an occupation.
Read the Portfolio of Evidence for Experience - Guidelines, which will help you use the Portfolio of Evidence for Experience - Form to describe and provide evidence of how your knowledge, skills and experience meet unit learning and assessment outcomes and the ESSA guidelines for recency of practice, return to practice, and professional standards.
To verify the accuracy of your statements, you must include the signature of at least one current or former qualified and experienced Supervisor/Trainer in line with Practicum Standards.
The supporting documents you submit must include:
- A current resume or curriculum vitae detailing past and current experiences (including dates and hours of service) for the positions or roles you have held;
- Other primary and secondary evidence, including personal, workplace and third party information from the list of supporting documents for verifying professional experience and expertise; and
- A transcript of results of study and unit outlines, including practicum learning and assessment outcomes (if applicable).
After you’ve applied
The outcome will be emailed to you within 20 working days of receiving your application unless further clarification or supporting documents are required, in which case we will contact you.
If you haven’t enrolled in units via My Enrolment, do so now using the recommended course progressions. For personal assistance with your study plan, don't hesitate to contact us.
Accepting credit granted for international students
If you’re an international student studying in Australia on a student visa, you must sign, date and return the Credit Acceptance Declaration within 14 working days. This allows International Student Support to adjust your ‘Confirmation of Enrolment’ (CoE) to show your new study duration (if applicable).
Your right to an appeal
If you disagree with the outcome, you may appeal within ten working days of the credit decision. The appeal will be commenced within ten working days and should take no longer than ten working days for an outcome to be reached. Within this time, you may be invited to participate in an interview and/or offered an alternative means of establishing the level of your existing skills and knowledge, such as a challenge test or special project.
You will receive notification about the outcome of the appeal as soon as possible. If the decision-maker is the Course Coordinator, any appeal is to the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality), and their decision is final. If the decision-maker is the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality), any appeal is to the Chair of Academic Board and their decision is final. Any student unsatisfied with the outcome may appeal externally to the relevant Ombudsmen Office.
Exit award thresholds
Unless your prior learning occurred at SCU, if you exit with a Diploma, such as the Diploma of Health, any credit greater than 8 units (96 Credit Points), will be rescinded (withdrawn).
For more information view Getting started at SCU or the Student Handbook. If you still have questions Help and contact us.