Refunds and Remissions
Domestic students
All domestic students covered by a single refund rule regardless of whether a student pays a student contribution amount (Commonwealth-supported students) or a domestic tuition fee (full fee-paying students). Note that the same refund rule applies regardless of the method of payment i.e payment of fees up front or deferment via the HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loan scheme. More information can be at Refunds and Remissions Policy and the Refunds and Remissions Procedure.
Students requesting a remission or refund
Students requesting a remission or refund of fees after census date due to special circumstances are required to complete an Application for Remission or Refund of Fees within My Enrolment. Please note that applications are not accepted for unit(s) of study where a passing grade has been awarded.
For students who have opted to defer their fees (including student contribution amounts for Commonwealth-supported students) via the HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loan schemes, debts will be automatically remitted once the application has been approved and processed.
Application for Remission or Refund of FeesInternational students
Please refer to the relevant sections contained within the Policy Library for information on International student refunds
Demonstrating special circumstances
An application for remission, refund or waiver of fees is required to be accompanied by supporting documentation. Applications which are received more than 12 months after withdrawal from the relevant unit/s or the last day of the teaching period for the relevant unit/s must provide appropriate documentation outlining the reason/s for late application. For supporting documentation to be considered valid, it must be from an independent professional authority which specifies the exact dates in relation to the special circumstances which have impacted the student. The supporting documentation must specify the date the document was written or created and must also demonstrate that:
- The special circumstances did not make their full impact until on or after the applicable census dates/s but prior to the applicable teaching period end, and
- the special circumstances were beyond the students control, and
- due to special circumstances, the student was unable to complete the requirements of their course
Special circumstances can include:
- Medical conditions (e.g. illness occurring or worsening on or after census date)
- Family/personal reasons (e.g death, sudden financial stress)
- Employment related reasons (sudden transfer, significant change in hours outside of a student’s control – please note choosing to increase work hours or undertake additional employment is not regarded as beyond a student’s control)
Applications based on a pre-existing medical condition will need to have evidence of supporting documentation that demonstrates that the medical condition has unexpectedly worsened on or after the census date.
Please note that a self-supporting statement and or statutory declaration alone is not sufficient evidence and will need to be accompanied by professional independent supporting documentation.
Medical Reasons — should include:
A letter, certificate or statement from a medical/health practitioner should outline:
- the date the medical condition commenced or changed
- how the medical condition impacted on the ability to study
- the date when it was deemed that study could not continue
Family/personal reasons — should include:
A letter or statement from a medical/health practitioner or independent member of the community (e.g. Independent Professional) on a letterhead outlining:
- the date your family/personal circumstances commenced or changed
- how the circumstances impacted the ability to study
- the date it was deemed that study could not continue
Or where relevant:
- death certificate, this applies to the death of a parent,
grandparent, sibling, child or partner - evidence of relationship to the deceased
(for example, birth or marriage certificate).
Employment related reasons — should include:
A statement on letterhead from the employer outlining:
- the previous working conditions — hours and location
- the current working conditions — hours, location and the date these changes to employment conditions were implemented
- the reason for changes to working conditions and expected duration of this change to working conditions
Applications which are submitted on the basis of a lack of knowledge or understanding of:
- the census date
- the key teaching and academic calendar dates
- the University rules
- the rules that govern HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP requirements
...will not be considered beyond the student’s control.