Health Services

health services health clinic
Exercise Physiology

Health Clinic

The Southern Cross University Health Clinic provides a quality and dedicated healthcare service to our students, staff and the Lismore, Coffs Harbour and Gold Coast communities.

Services include:

  • Exercise physiology
  • Osteopathy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Speech pathology
  • Occupational therapy
  • Midwifery
Contact the Health Clinic to book an appointment


Helping you navigate the challenges and transitions that come with university life.

Inclusion support

Assistance for students with a disability or medical condition to equitably access and participate in study.

Gym and fitness centres

Our fitness centres provide a range of sporting facilities across three campuses.

Campus sport

Get active and have fun at a number of social sports programs where you can mix with other students and staff.

Community resources and services

Service Number
Emergency Services 000
Coffs Harbour Base Hospital 02 6656 7000
Lismore Base Hospital 02 6621 8000
The Tweed Hospital 07 5536 1133

Service Link
AIDS Hotline

Ph: 1800 651 500

Visit AIDS Hotline

Alcohol & Drug Information

Ph: 1800 422 599

Visit Drug and Alcohol Information

Carers NSW

Ph: 1800 242 636

Visit Carers NSW

Child Abuse Prevention

Ph: 1800 688 009

Visit Child Abuse Prevention

Domestic Violence

Ph: 1800 656 463

Visit DV website

Family Drug Support

Ph: 1300 368 186

Visit Family Drug Support

Grow mental health support 

Ph: 1800 558 268

Visit Mental Health

Hepatitis C Info/Support

Ph: 1300 437 222

Visit Hep C Support

Kids Helpline  Ph: 1800 551 800
Lifeline Ph: 131 114
Men’s Line Australia

Ph: 1300 789 978

Men’s Line Northern Rivers Ph: 0266 222 240
Mental Health Helpline Ph: 1800 647 200
NSW Quit Line 

Ph: 137 848

Visit NSW Quite Line

Parent Line Ph: 1300 130 052
Poisons Information Visit Poisons Information
Rape Crisis Centre

Ph: 1800 424 017

Visit Rape Crisis Centre

Suicide Prevention Line

Ph: 1300 363 622

Visit Suicide Prevention Line