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Judith Wilks

BTRP(Melbourne), GradDipEd(UNE), GradDipSocSci(Swinburne), PhD(Melbourne)

Adjunct Associate Professor

Faculty of Education

Teaching Associate

Faculty of Education

Judith Wilks


Orchid ID



Dr Judith Wilks is Adjunct Associate Professor and Member of Emeritus Faculty at Southern Cross University and also Adjunct Associate Professor with the Nulungu Research Institute of the University of Notre Dame Australia. She is an experienced educator with a significant research, teaching and community engagement track record in regional education services delivery in both the higher education and schooling sectors.


Judith is an active member of national research collaboration (Nulungu Research Institute) that has sought to promote access, participation and success in higher education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. In recent years she has undertaken considerable research work in the Western Kimberley region focusing on strengthening the learning experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education students living in remote locations.

Graduate School

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